Lady Jewell's Journal
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Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 @ 06:57pm
Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 @ 11:18pm
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Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 @ 06:38pm
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 @ 08:07pm
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Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 @ 08:00pm
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 @ 07:03pm
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Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 @ 07:37pm
Post-surgery reading
Just spent two weeks recovering from a gall bladder removal (surgery--ick!), so I have been laid--or propped--up for most of it with nothing to do but watch TV or read. With my Replay not working (AGAIN, darn it!!!), that meant a lot of reading time. Not exactly a hardship for me, but I found a few more books to read and some old favs to re-read.
New: Patricia Briggs--Everything I've read of hers so far, I've liked. REALLY like the coyote series (Iron Kissed is the latest, I think). She does a great job of making were-creatures and shifters realistic while still being supernatural, and making each group distinct. Very cool.
Old: Laura Anne Gilman--5 books so far (Staying Dead being first), trade paperback size (which I love), and a distinct and well-thought out magic system. It makes sense, has a framework you can actually not drive a mac truck thru, and her plots and characters are solid, too.
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 @ 09:16pm
Some of my Favorite Reading Material
I devour everything from romance to scifi, mystery to horror, and mythology to manga and comics. Here are some of my favorites:
Card is excellent, tho' he tends to re-write a lot of things (they just keep getting better and better every time he does, tho'), so isn't not as prolific as I'd like. Lackey has a number of excellent series, including a few that she no longer writes (darn it!). Viehl has a number of different series. I found her through the Darkyn series and plan to work my way thru the rest of her stuff as time and money permits.
I also love Jim Butcher's Harry Dresen series (quite a bit different from the scifi series, but every bit as tasty) and his Codex Alera series, Tanya Huff's books (yup, one of her series just got made into a tv series as well--Blood Ties, which is the name of the both book and tv series), the early Laurell Hamilton stuff (first book of the Gentry series, before it devolves into a sex fest, and the first 8-10 books of the Anita Blake series, again before it devolves into a sex/relationship fest), Anne Bishop's books (all 3 series--I broke down and got her last in hardback, despite money issues...), Charlaine Harris's Grave Site and Sookie Stackhouse series, Janet Evanovich's stuff (especially the Stephanie Plum series--it's a HOOT), and J. D. Robb's In Death series.
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Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 @ 06:50pm