Orynn, Twyll and Chirrus, from The Forest of Noctua.

Ascari, Millet and Acorn, from The Forest of Noctua.

Dustfall, from The Forest of Noctua.

Flowers By Iris, from The Roost.

Today's Special, from The Roost.

Nazca, from Talaye Meadows.

Yakone, from Nokose.

Shima, from Dragon Kyns.

Tarahii, from Dragon Kyns.

Sternlicht and Mondschein, from Wolpertingers United.

Atalaua, from Eternally Cursed.

Coraena, from Eternally Cursed.

Viridis, from The Plushie Cats Shop.
He's just a plushie, though. =3

Daeron, from The Feedable & Breedable Pets Shop.