My First Date!!!
I want to tell you about my first date ever/with my bae. We went to see Star Wars, my fourth time and his second. We bought our own tickets but went halfsies on the popcorn and soda. I was so nervous about freaking him out that instead of saying ‘couples special’ I said ‘two person’ special. We had a great time at the movie, got excellent seats, normal stuff about a good date… Then we spent two hours talking and watching YouTube videos about gaming. That might sound incredibly dull or unengaging to a lot of you out there, but to me that is the epitome of compatibility; spending two hours enjoying something together. He’s tall, skinny, pale, and has these beautiful blue eyes that are so light they’re almost white. His hair is coarse and this bright yellow blonde, and it’s just so much fun to touch. He speaks German, and he loves cats; and the best part is he’s a gamer, and has very similar interests to mine. We even watch the same kind of videos. I love his sense of humor, and while I admit it probably sounds really annoying and juvenile to a lot of other people, I find his deliverance of his jokes a lot of fun! Plus, I showed him Filthy Frank and he liked it. We're going to go to GenCon together this year heart . He’s absolutely adorkable, and It’s just so much fun to be around him!