lyric and other crap like that |
just a bunch of lyric from songs that i like....escpecially japanese ones |
black rain77
Community Member
Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 @ 03:05am
Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 @ 03:03am
black rain77
Community Member
black rain77
Community Member
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 @ 05:07am
Higurashi No Naku Koro ni OP full lyrics (english)
Behind where I look back (who's in front?) I raised my claws at the darkness (and ripped the night apart)
Raindrops turn into droplets of blood and run down my cheeks If there isn't a place for me to return anywhere anymore
Take these fingers, my fingers I'll take all your fingers away to the unopenable place where cicadas cry There's no turning back anymore
People disappear one by one (blue flames) On the other side of the darkness (the morning won't come anymore)
With countless wrigling and stretching hands in the mirror, come one, lure someone here
Onii-san, come here, to where my hands clap No matter how you run away, I'll catch you The voice that was coming from the animal trail where cicadas cry, is no more
Take these fingers, my fingers I'll take all your fingers away to the unopenable place where cicadas cry There's no turning back anymore
Onii-san, come here, to where my hands clap No matter how you run away, I'll catch you The voice that was coming from the animal trail where cicadas cry, is no more
my new favorite theme song >D i watched the first 5 episodes of this show and about peed my pants from scaryness o.o;; so i decided not to finish it (especially since i was watching it at around 11 at night -_-" wink but i still LOVE the song <3 it's called Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni (gasp it's the name of the show =o) anyway it means "when cicadas cry" which I thought was cool ^^ anyway bye byes~!
Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 @ 09:21pm
black rain77
Community Member
black rain77
Community Member
Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 @ 08:41pm
Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 @ 08:10pm
black rain77
Community Member
black rain77
Community Member
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 @ 12:52am
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 @ 11:21pm
Its just a silly crush, I know. When I'm with you I don't want to go home.
Whenever i hear your name my face lights up, When I see you in the halls i try to caught up.
You make me smile no matter how I'm feeling, Taking my breath away; almost like stealing.
I try to take glances of you, Do you ever try too?
Always helping me when I'm in trouble or down, My heartaches when you're not around.
Waiting, waiting for that one day not to say "were just friends" I don't ever want this crush for you to end.
I think that you and I, I and you, We'd be so perfect for one another, we'll fit like glue.
So I'll be here, if it takes more then a lifetime, Your the only one worth waiting for, cause then you'll be mine.
by suspend
black rain77
Community Member
black rain77
Community Member
Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 @ 11:56pm