Poem I wrote along time ago T^T it be very sucky and has many spelling mistakes Im sure
I'm scared and alone and dying. I have no one here. Everyone I ever knew left me in the dirt to die and rott. My friends, my "family", and now, they've taken him away. I'll do it tonight. But maybe not tonight. Why won't I end it? Why do I let myself suffer and be tormented day after day, week after week, month ofter month, year after year? Seven years. Three of which I was tortured by people. Four, of which I was locked away like a prisoner. I am the canary, whom people lock away in a cage yet still expect to sing. I am locked away in this cage, alone. I had a mate and he died. I had many friends but they left. I am all alone, in this desolate cage. There is no food. There is no sunlight. There is no social contact. There is not any reason for me to continue living, except to fullfill the cruel pleasure of my masters. I live alone, locked away. I am innocent. I deserve to be freed. My cage is dark and lonely. I'm hungry all day and all night. I cry and no one sees. I cry and no one cares. I scream and no one hears. I want to die. Death is what I need, there is no reason to live. I will not please you. I will not sing for you. I will die and rott in this cage. I will drown in my own tears. I will choke on my own breath. I will scream until my lungs explode. I will scream for the cage to open. I will scream for the world to hear me. The world will not here me and I will die under your gaze. I will lie down and never get up. You don't belive me? Fine. Watch me rott. Watch me rott in this iscolated place. I am a rare bird. People want me. They want to catch me and use me. They want to act like my friend and then leave when they get what they want. I can do so many things. I can perform so many tricks. People love to watch me. They love to look at me and think about what they will do to me. They look at me and smile, thinking of all the ways they can use and torment me. Do they ever think about it? I feel pain. I feel despair. I feel anger. I feel hatred. I feel lonliness. And maybe I once felt love. But they took him away. I am not allowed to tell. Anyone, not one person. I cannot tell where he was taken. What was done to him. I feel all these things. I cry. When no one is looking. If I cry when someone is watching me, they laugh. They laugh their cruel, evil laughs and prod me and poke me. They hit me and crush me and whip me, to see if I will cry more. They love the sound I make, when I cry. Its amusing, to them. The sound of my tears and the sounds of my sobbing. They sing and dance to it. Everytime I cry, they love it. They beg for more. More of my tears, so they can laugh and laugh and laugh. I hate them. I despise them all. If I were bigger, I would kill them. I would chop off all their heads with the butchers knife. I would lock them all away in a cage. Everytime they would speak, I would hit them. Everytime they would beg for sunlight, I would spit on them. Everytime they would cry, I would laugh. I would laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh. That is what hey do to me. They laugh. They laugh at my torment. They laugh at my cries for air. They grin as I beg for my mate, and then they tell me he is dead. They tell me he is not real. That he was never real. That he is a figure from my demented mind. A demon that I created, come to talk to me and torment me. He is the Devil, come to rip away at my soul. I made him up one day, apparently. Apparently he was never here. The demons have come. They have come to take me away. They see my sanity is lost. They see I am crying and dying and rotting. They are like my masters. They love it. The sound of my dying breath rattling in my throat. The sound of my blood pouring from my eyes and splattering sickeningly on the floor of the cage. The sound of me chirping, for my mate to come and save me. Come and save me. Come and love me. Come and save me. Come and save me. I whisper it over and over again, staring at the door of the cage. All around me, they're smiling. Smiling to themselves, loving the way I whisper his name. Loving they I fall to the floor screaming a silent scream, my mouth wide open, blood and vomit pouring out, my eyes glazing and bleeding. They love it. And as I begin to close my eyes, I am happy. For I see him, flying in, just in time to scream. Just in time to chase away the demons that tortured me for so long. And I die in his arms, his beautiful wings wrapped around me and his lips to my forehead, then my cheek, and then my lips. And I look up at him, into a sea of warmth and love, the only love I had ever known. And then I sing for him, I sing my swan song, with my final breath, and I die.
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