Angels Magical Musical Mystery World |
So this journal will probably contain me ranting and rambling. And sometimes it might contain really interesting things but that wont occur very often! |
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Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 @ 05:23am
Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 @ 10:56pm
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Community Member
Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 @ 07:18pm
April 19th
Well, it's snowing - again.
We've had one weird spring. The winter wasn't bad. It was cold. We got snow. That was okay, normal even, and then Spring started - technically it's spring but we're having the worst spring weather. It's be positively depressing, but it got me wondering. Is this the earth trying to tell us something?
So there is so much talk of global warming, and don't get me wrong i totally believe it in, but the weather we have been having - cold, snow - doesn't seem like the earth is warming up. Historically speaking, and this has no scientific credit, the earth had periods of cooling and it seemed like a recovery. Is that what's going on? Is this the earth taking matter into it's own hands? Is it saying, woah, hold up a second. I need a break from all your antics. Just chill for a minute!
On the bright side, all this snow will eventually melt and our water table will go up. Farmers wells will be full. The forest fire hazard in the region will be low. Lake Superior may see a rise in its water level. If Spring ever comes and the frost comes out of the ground, maybe it will be a good year for our farmers.
On the down side however, if things melt to fast we could have some major flooding and we haven't completely recovered from the flood last may. The anniversary of that terrible storm is coming up and what - will we still be under feet of snow? What about the seasonal workers? the contract for snow removal is over so technically there is no one to clean up the city now that we are getting hit with this snow. The police have warned people to stay in. But that's not the seasonal workers i'm talking about. We're already almost a month into our regular construction season. People want to build infrastructure and homes, but you can't in the snow. You can't pour a foundation or lay down ash-fault if there is frost.
It is quite the predicament to be in - if you ask me. And talk about shocking. The university school term is almost over. Those students are heading into their SUMMER break...not much a summer break if you have to go outside and shovel out your car just to get to your last set of exams.
Well, Mother Nature - Lady Gaia if you will - i think people are going to start to listen to your cries eventually. It just might not happen until after they finish complaining about this new round of snow that you are putting us through. I just hope people are safe from the elements. Prayers for you if you are suffering through this.
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 @ 09:04pm
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Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 @ 04:26pm
Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 @ 05:13am
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Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 @ 05:53am
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 @ 05:30am
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Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 @ 08:16pm