Family Values Tour 2006
Kimmee and I went to see Family Values tour on 9/16/06! IT WAS SO AWESOME!!!!
Here's a run down of the day:
We first went in and walked around for a while, just checking out everything that was there. I bought a Family Values Tour shirt, and we both got WAAF "tattoos" on our arms. There was a crazy looking clown there, like a psychotic clown back from the dead type of thing... and since I'm afraid of clowns, Kimmee asked him to give me a hug or something... he just went up to me and sniffed me and sort of growled at me.
After a while of walking around and stuff we got some water and went and sat down in the shade. I saw a girl with a character backpack (Momiji from Fruits Basket) and said it was cool, the girl told me that I was the first to recognize the backpack by the character's name. So we talked with those girls for a while and whatever. It was fun, maybe we'll hear back from them through myspace (we gave them our screen names there). Anyway then we left to go sit down and listen to some of the bands.
First we saw about two or three songs by a band called 10 Years, I hadn't heard of them before but they were absolutely awesome! Some bands are just soooo good live, and this band is definitely one of those bands! Also, the lead singer was wearing rubber rain boots! They were bright yellow and sooo cool! Hehehe. While 10 Years was playing Kalen Chase (the backup vocalist and percussionist for KoRn) came out and sang with them! I fell in love! Well, not litterally... but he is such a good singer with sooo much energy! Woohoo! *new obsession* Hehehe.
After 10 Years played, Deadsy came out. I was pretty disappointed with their performance at first actually, they just didn't sound that great... maybe it was just a bad day for them (it was really hot out and everything, I could see the band members sweating from where I was!). They did redeem themselves with the last two songs though, somehow it just sounded better at the end. Anyway, after they played Kimmee and I left our seats to go get something to EAT (I was thoroughly starving to death at that point =P ).
After we ate and everything, I looked at the FYE sign as we walked by it and realized that Deadsy was signing right then and you didn't have to pay or buy anything to go, so we went! I was so excited! Kimmee had all the members of the band sign her boobs, it was awesome.
Then we saw Dir En Grey playing. Aaaaah, Dir en Grey. I'd been waiting for years for them to come to the states. They were good, but their lead singer (Kyo) is ******** insane. He pretended to hurt himself on stage with a blood capsul, so it looked like he smashed his face and bit open his wrist then rubbed it across his body. I knew that it was a blood capsule though because they tour and play in a different city every night, he wouldn't do that every ******** day for months... I mean he would be dead and bruised and need stitches after a week of that, haha. I confirmed it was a blood capsule later on when I met him and shook his hand, but anyway... they were playing and their music was really good. Kyo decided to dump the bucket of ice (for his water bottles) on his head towards the end, which I thought was ******** hilarious. He was just standing there during the song with a bucket, on his head. Yeah. OK. Hahaha. Then he fell to the ground later on while he was singing and started flipping around, spazzing out. Umm, ok... Whatever he did it made the girls in the crowd go wild. Crazy. Then I left to meet Dir En Grey (which was a rip off by the way, they only let me shake Kyo's hand that was it and it cost $20 or something like that to get their CD to get to do it... they didn't let anyone get his signature or anything!) and Kimmee stayed to see Flyleaf perform next.
Stone Sour was next, they were awesome as well. Cory Taylor really knows how to work the crowd! This one kid kept crowd surfing at crazy random times -- like VIOLENTLY crowd surfing. At one point during a solo, Cory just stopped singing and said "Jesus Christ, you guys are insane" to the mosh pit, it was funny. I love Cory Taylor now, he just really won my heart with the performance, he did a really really awesome job.
Next up was Deftones. Can you say sucky-live? The band was great, don't get me wrong, the singer just absolutely SUCKS at singing live! He sounded terrible, and his ******** voice ruined the music. Damnit. They even did their weird echo effect on everything he sang, which made it so much worse. He sounds so good on their CDs though, they must electronically edit his voice or something I don't know. Either way he just sucked.
Then it was... dun dun dunnn.... KORN!!! YAY! They were fabulous, I was so happy! They played almost all old music, they rocked! The performance was awesome, I was standing the whole time for KoRn and jumping up and down and head banging and everything, it was crazy. The energy of the crowd was amazing too. I even saw two guys get taken out by security, mad. Again I saw Kalen Chase who played the bunny for KoRn, he was awesome! Just all the energy and everything was so cool. My favourite part was either when fieldy went up on the back of the stage wall and was with the Horse (Zac Baird on keyboard) and they were looking at each other REALLY closely, it was hot. Then later on Kalen the Bunny went on the stage back wall and was going nuts and playing the floor with his drumsticks and headbanging and everything, that was intense. OR, it could have been when Jonathan came out with his bagpipes. Woohoo! Hehe. At a few points during the show Jonathan Davis got to spray the crowd with a firehose, heh.
Kimmee and I left once KoRn said "goodnight" to the crowd (I knew they were doing an encore at the end but we wanted to avoid the traffic, I was wicked tired and I was the one driving home). We actually got out in about two minutes, instead of what usually takes like TWO HOURS. So I don't know if it was worth getting out early, or if we should have stayed to see KoRn some more, but either way I am quite happy! =D
So that's my story... awesome, awesome show!