Name: Delilah Marie Fratise
D.O.B: August 22nd, 1452
Age Now: Looks 26 Years old, is really 2183.
The Year Now: 3635
Race: Demon
Biography: Delilah for short, has always detested humans, especially her twin sister, Destinee. The two had never gotten along in their years like twins are supposed to. While both were born into a wealthy family, Delilah took the rebellious lifestyle of a warrior and a peasant, combining the two. The outcome? A Young girl who would forever carry out the lifestyle of a person who detested royalty, and the above world. As her eternal life carried on, she watched as Destinee took the crown, making her the Queen of the underworld. Furious, Delilah turned her back on her own people and fled to the above world, where she learned the ways of advanced technologies and weaponry.
- Poker
- Chocolate Pocky Sticks
- Bleak/Rainy Weather
- Billiards
- Messing with people
- Her Royal Background
- Things going askew
- Too much sunlight
- Humans
- Overly sweet foods