I have a disorder. I pick my nose...
Actually no no, I don't XD That twould be gross. Eck.
So, this is my first post to my Gaia weblog. Whoop-dee-doo and all that fun stuff. :3 If you're reading this... whoa, you must be bored. But then again, I must be bored for typing this. XD Anyway~
Not much went on today, although I still have plenty of hours to go. (Only two more till babysitting. ergh. I want to go to Laur's party ;o; ) domokun
Ah well, I'll live. At least I got the internet back up and running at my house. So now I can RP at the forums. Yay! Though, I wish more people were on right now, I feel a little lonely. gonk
Anyone who wants to find me thread, PM me, or you can search it: HP roleplay- OCs no longer accepted, please be literate. XD