Lilith Race: Human
Age: 18
Powers: She has dabbled deeply into the black arts to try and find some sort of self realisation, something to ease the pain of her past. She is now quite talented in shadow manipulation, pyrokenesis and even Necromancy. But Necromancy has taken it's tole on her appearance, look dead herself, with pale skin and slightly sunken features, and always an air of death about her.
Lilith's history was bleak from the very start. Brought to life in an already failing city. Cults ruling the world's outside with their demonic beliefs and rituals and often threatening raids.
Soon the political powers of the city, whom for years had secretly been making arrangements with governments abroad, abandoned the citizens and left the district to Anarchy.
It did not take long for the cults to seize the oppurtunity for mass raids and total invasion, soon claiming the entire city as their own.
This is where Lilith's story starts. She had had a torubled family life from the start, never liking her parents no matter how hard they tried. Her only love was for her little brother. Not a blood brother at all, an orphan found on the street. She called him Davie and he was five years old. She loved him dearly.
During the raids her parents understandably went to save her first, and whilst being dragged away she bore witness to the raiders kill Davie. Though they did not give chase.
They found refuge in an abandoned house and later that night, Lilith slipped silently into her parents room and slit their throats whilst they slept. The same fate that befell her beloved brother. She was seven at the time.
Now of adult age she is often seen dressing in lolita clothing and accompanied by a small black kitten by the name of Lucifer. She keeps him because like her beloved little brother, she foudn him on the streets alone and afraid. Also, she is often seen with corpses in attendance. Safe guards. She uses them as a protection for she is only human and has no real physical strength.