Dead. They’re all dead. Every single human who dare to cross me. To cross my path. Even those whom I love-d. Those who I would die for- told me lies. Everything was created from the foundations of deceit. Even he who made me feel once more... dead. Along with the earth. I am not human like they said. He didn’t truly love me. The cold air grasps my brunette hair as I stand upon my enemies. The very people who dare taunt me at school. My friends gone all gone... except for one. She had always told me the truth... never lied- she couldn’t...
The bodies lay on the floor -frozen in the very position I had destroyed them. Scared... still fearing me. Crimson expressions carved in their face by the thick blood of themselves, their peers and the dying sun... it would never rise again. This world would cease to exist. It is drowning in sorrow... dying. I will merely help it on its way...
A shuddering hand grasped my ankle. Shaking. Pulling at my black jeans slowly climbing up my leg. Pulling on my studded belts, on my long emerald and midnight black coat, at my black waist coat. Hugging my waist tightly. His long red-brown hair flowing over my shoulders... “I’m so sorry”
Walking. Lonely. Down the twisting road. A cool summer breeze dancing with my straight brunette hair and my emerald and black coat. Silence. Just the unwelcome noise of my black converses pacing through the woods. Shadows still loomed here. Slowly nodding off...too early for this... The kitty skull embroided on my bag banging against my thighs. Then an approaching noise... coming ever nearer. I turned pressing my hands together waiting to see who- what it was...
Feeling a charge generated from the depths of my black soul ready to strike within a second. My hands began to pulse. Energy growing bigger and bigger. The thing zoomed past me laughing at me all the way. That was it... I struck. My body reacting on auto-pilot. Not really knowing what was happening. My hair flying up with an electric charge. My eyes absorbing, drinking the darkness. Knocking the unknown down. “ What the hell! Lyra, stop!” Lyra that’s me... I awoke to see him my dumb brother knocked off his bike. “Huh? ... Oh I’m sorry” I walked off.... What was that?
Pacing through the green gates. The gates of mortal hell were every living souls mission was to torture me with their popularity. Hands dug deep into my pockets ...only 6 hours- then you can leave... My heart still racing from the recent event. My brain cells pulsing with the stress of me yearning to know...What the hell happened? Walking through winding corridors-letting my feet lead the way. Not really knowing where they were leading me.”CRAP!” There’s a door there dumb a**! My feet were almost growling at me. Look up and open the door! “Here” A kind familiar voice whispered in my ear, “It helps if you open it,” he laughed. Fool! I turned and looked up... “Thanks... I’ve been in a daze all morning, just thinking about...” I stopped. Almost choking on my next word. It was him. Shut up and walk... maybe he won’t notice...he opened the door. “Thanks” I realised where my feet were taking me... and we had arrived at my destination...
I sat down on the 1st step of the Stairs leading to MFL. He bent down in front of me. He was wearing completely black- except for his grey and black pin-striped coat. I loved to see him in it he looked so... He waved his hand in front of my face “Hello... It’s Emma right?” I gave a slow nod as I saw Erma running this way... she must have seen what happened... “Are you okay?” all warmth had melted from his voice... He seemed ... Concerned. “Yea... Why wouldn’t I be?” I felt a warm crimson tear, drop from my skull...s**t! “Oh my God! Have I got Brain damage?” My head began to spin... I’m gonna die... Or be in a wheelchair... I’m I gonna be a thick Stephen Hawkins?! Reality seemed to drift slowly away... My heart slowed ...I became cold...
Gasping for air. Chocking on my own hair. Am I dead? “Quick, let me clear the hair from her mouth.” He was here. Breath slowing down from a pant... Opening my eyes... Where am I? Madame Dijon leaned over me. “Well at least she’s still alive... Keep her laid down on the tables... I have to go to briefing” My back aching like I had fallen on a step- I probably had. Slowly turning my head. The room was crowded with spectators... Or was it the welcoming party to heaven? “Hi Lyra!” It can’t be heaven- that’s Clark... “Please just leave me alone” I gasped. Denise glared at them- the room became clear in a second. Cassie, Ami, Ren and Sammy hadn’t yet arrived. There was just the three of us... Well Denise was keeping guard at the door for any unwelcome visitors...
“How did I get up here?” I whispered, slowly sitting up. Rory looked around the room... he began laughing...”well hopefully in style” I looked at him amazed. “Y...You carried me?...Thanks...But wasn’t I kinda heavy?” He shook his head. I stood up not knowing what to say or do. I Grasped him tightly “Thank you!” Surprisingly he returned the embrace...OH MY GOD!
His hands still shaking never letting go. I turned glaring at him. So sad. So disgusted. My heart had once loved him... But I had ripped that out that very day... when the truth came spilling out. My head despised him. He was meant to love me- cherish me- tell me the truth... something 99% of humanity couldn’t manage – even when being tortured...I know...I tried it. “You’re supposed to be dead,” I spat coldly. Tears started to escape from the darkest most corners of my heart. Eventually seeping through my eye sockets.
“But I’m not,” he laughed. Why is he laughing? No matter what he couldn’t hold a grudge... or could he? How could he laugh after I let them loose on humanity... but not him... I wanted to see him suffer under my wrath. He held me tighter. His hair smelling the same as when I first me him. So fresh. So beautiful- even after being buried under corpses. He was so kind, so loving this is why I had fallen for him. I pushed him away- No this can’t be happening – I can’t feel- I don’t want to! Looking at the dried blood staining my hands. Collapsing to my knees feeling means weakness.... My heart beat once more... I have a heart again?! But this time pumping salty water to run from my bloodshot eyes and glaze my cheeks. I stood up... feeling so weak. Glaring into his eyes...They are so warm... so welcoming. “I feel cold... So cold... Why do I feel cold?” I couldn’t think... what am I saying?
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L Dou you know Shinigami with red hands like apples
[b:6f99967aca]You've[/color:6f99967aca] made[/color:6f99967aca] your[/color:6f99967aca] bed[/color:6f99967aca]...[/color:6f99967aca][/b:6f99967aca]
[center:6f99967aca][i:6f99967aca] ...Now Die in it[/i:6f99967aca][/center:6f99967aca]
[center:6f99967aca][i:6f99967aca] ...Now Die in it[/i:6f99967aca][/center:6f99967aca]