Today I just sign up for this so yah I really don't know what to say. I just have this creepy feeling about comments. I feel as if it will all go wrong. There are six kinds of people that leave comments;
The MOTIVATORS.The ones from the people who don't actually care what you write and just say some peppy thing just to encourage you. "Good job. Keep writing, the thing in the sentence in that paragraph was really good" biggrin " The MISERABLE. From the miserable emo's who make really negative comments about every single thing someone says. "You suck. I never commenting again. My toe itches because of you crying . I HATE YOU.I'm going to cut myself.
The RATERS. People who try to rate your woork and sound professional and just end up being dragged out onto the middle of the road and beaten down with there own ripped of limbs. "I give it a 8/10. I dislike the simile in the second to third paragraph but overall I think he did it quite... OWW not the legs NOT THE LEGS.
And then lastly there are NORMAL PEOPLE these people whom I hope you all are leave average comments and sometime actually make whatever they are commenting on better "Ha that was good keep them come in. "
Then there are the IDIOTS people who try to be cool but use to much internet language so it ends up sounding totally stupid "LOL to teh ROTFL. 1t w4s DBAYR GTG bye" SO that all for know comeback later for Matthews comments on technology
Mitsuru Tu · Sun Nov 02, 2008 @ 05:53pm · 0 Comments