Annie is laying in bed, a bed that isn't her own, her kidnapper's bed. His arms around her, they were like an iron grip. She sighed as she remembered what happened. “I can't believe I almost let him... What kind of guy would try to do that?” She whispers to herself and covers her face with her hands.
When Matt returned to the room, he walked over to Annie when she stood up. He grabbed her by the waist and tossed her onto the bed, where she landed in the middle of it. She sat up immediately, “don't try anything, please”. He could hear pleading in her voice, Matt grinned and crawled onto the bed and sat next to her.
“Where is that girl that glared at me a lot? Did I scare her out of you?” He placed a hand on her cheek, she looked away and pushed him so he wouldn't do anything. “Just go away and leave me alone!” He scooted so he was sitting in front of her, Matt put both of his hands on her cheeks like he had done a little bit earlier. He moved her head so she was looking at him, “don't fear me”.
Their eyes met and Annie blushed lightly. “L-let go.” She looked away when she had realized that he also had blue eyes, she was always a sucker for blue eyes. Matt pulled Annie closer to him, Annie put her hands on Matt's arms hoping that that would help to keep him from doing anything. Annie looked at him again, she looked into his eyes again, as if in a trance.
He kissed her, this time she didn't mind as much. She put her hands on his chest so she could push him away, she never did. He pulled away and let go of Annie, she looked away, his hands wandered to the bottom of her shirt. She grabbed his hands and gently pushed them away. “No, I don't want to be another one of your girls that you just seduce then throw away like yesterdays trash. I don't even want to be one of your girls.”
When Annie let go of Matt's hands, he took hers in his own. He placed them at the bottom of her shirt. “I said no.” She looked at him again, he leaned over and kissed her again. Matt laid his hands on Annie's shoulders, he pushed her down onto the bed. She tried to push him away. “Please stop.” Matt had Annie pinned onto the bed. “Are you afraid of me now Miss Annabelle?” She looked at him, “I don't like being called Annabelle, I told you that” She blushes lightly and reached up to give Matt's cheek a little peak, hoping it would help get him off of her.
He leaned down and kissed her neck, she puts her hand on his chest and tries to push him away but he's too strong. Annie just gave up, her hands fell at her sides and she kept her gaze away from Matt. He reached for her shirt again, she didn't bother and closed her eyes, hoping that this was a nightmare. Matt looked at Annie, he grinned and let go of her shirt.
He sat up and got off of her, he laid next to her. She turned onto her side and curled up into a ball, he laid a hand on her shoulder, she was shaking. Annie relaxed a little bit, she kept her eyes closed. Matt got up and went to a little door on the wall, he opened it up and grabbed a blanket out of there and went back over to Annie. He covered up the shaking girl and laid next to her again. “Its okay sweetie, I won't hurt you anymore. I don't want you to fear me...” He wrapped an arm around her and comforted her. “I'm sorry.” Annie fell asleep soon after that.
Annie sighs again, “I hope he meant that”. She turns around and lays a hand on Matt's chest. She has so many feelings going through her mind; she feels safe, scared, and another she can't name. “What is the other emotion? Pain, hatred, or worse, love? How can I love a man that kidnapped me and tried to do what he did last night?” She says in her mind. She buries her face in his chest. “You're different Annie, your calm, unlike all the others...” Annie looks up at him, he puts a hand on the back of her head and gently pulls her closer. Her eyes close and he kisses her lightly, he lets go of her and she pulls her head away. “Annie, I've never said this to anyone. But.. I think I love you.”
Annie sits up and looks at him, “What?” Matt sits up also, “I said, I think I love you. Your so.. different.” The door opens and Dan walks in, Annie and Matt both look at him. “I thought you tied her up last night, at least that's what you were supposed to do.” Dan's eyes go from Matt to Annie, “You didn't try anything, did you?” Annie lays back down and covers herself with the blanket. Matt looks at Annie, he picks her up, blanket and all, and sits her on his lap. The blanket falls from her shoulders and lands around her waist. Matt grabs her hands and moves them so Annie's arms are wrapped around him. He grabs the blanket and wraps it around her.
“Matt we have to go.” Dan tells him, Matt sighs and looks at him again. “Then she'll have to come with us.” Matt looks down at Annie, “What do you think?” Annie shakes her head no. “I don't wanna go anywhere but home.” Matt stands Annie up, he grabs her wrist and stood up himself. Annie tries to wiggle out of his grasp but his grip was too strong. “You're hurting me” Annie whimpers, Matt's grip doesn't loosen.
They leave the room and walk out into a hallway, Matt drags Annie into a living room where he pushes her onto a couch. She quickly sits up, Matt walks over to a closet that has no door. He grabs something and throws it in Annie's direction, she covers her face with her arms to block whatever was thrown. The object hits her arms and it lands on her lap, Annie uncovers her face to see her beloved pair of low top converse. “Put them on.” Annie hears from across the room, she quickly slips on her converse. She looks over at Matt, he moves over to her and holds his hand out to her. “Come on, you have no choice whether you go or not, so there's no use in fighting.” Annie keeps her hands up at her chest, Matt grabs one of her wrists again. He pulls Annie up, he drags her outside and to the car. Annie grabs onto anything that she could to keep herself from going with them.
Matt throws Annie into the back of a van and closes the door. “No! Let me out!” She started to bang against the door, Annie looks at the front seats, on the back of the seats is a wall made of a chain-link fence. Annie sees Dan getting into the drivers side and turning on the van, she also saw Matt get in on the passenger side.
Matt looks over at Dan and chuckles. “It seems that we finally broke her.” Annie brings her legs up to her chest and hugs her knees, she hadn't realized that she was crying until a tear lands on her knee. Annie buried her face into her knees, letting the tears flow. Matt looks back at Annie and notices that she's crying, Matt's smile fades and he looks at Dan.
“Stop the car.” Dan looks over at Matt with a confused look on his face for a moment before turning his attention back to the road. “What?” Matt looks at Dan with a stern look. “I told you to stop the car!” Dan looks over at Matt confused once again. “I can't just stop the car.” Annie could hear Matt getting frustrated. “Well then pull over!” Annie heard the turn blinker come on, she could feel Dan braking. When the car came to a complete stop, Matt gets out of the car and opens the back door. Annie looks up at him, Matt crawls into the back and closes the door. He looks at Dan through the fence. “You can go again.” Both of them could feel Dan pulling off the shoulder and back onto the road.
Matt crawls over to Annie, he wraps his arms around her, trying to comfort her. Matt could feel Annie shaking, she looks at him and pushes him away. “Stay away from me.” Annie whispers. Matt puts a hand on her shoulder, she shoots him a glare. “Now there's the stubborn girl I know.” Matt wraps his arms around Annie once again. “I said stay away from me!” A punch flew through the air and hit Matt in the gut.
Not even a moment later Matt has Annie pinned on the floor. Annie looks away, a tear falling down her face. Matt softens when he realizes what just happened. “I'm sorry,” Matt whispered. He gets off of Annie and she curls up in a ball.
The rest of the ride was a quiet one. When the car had been turned off, Dan comes around and opens the door. Annie sits up and crawls to the door, she jumps out and starts to run. She ran as fast as her feet would let her. She is running through some kind of vegetable field, she looks back for a quick second, only to see nothing behind her. Annie sighs in relief and she falls to her knees. When she hears a voice, Annie freezes completely. “What are you doing? Taking a jog through my potatoes?”
Annie looks up to see a man with bright brunette hair. He leans over and grabs Annie's forearm, he pulls her to her feet and starts to pull her the way she came. “No, please don't take me back this way, please!” When the man hears Annie's pleading he only pulls her harder. Annie saw a figure walking toward her and the man, she starts to dig her heels into the dirt. The grip on Annie's arm slowly tightens, she starts to walks along with the handsome stranger.
Annie is thrown forward, landing in two muscular arms. “I assume that she's another one of yours.” Annie's eyes starts to water when she hears a familiar chuckle. “I guess you could say that.” She looks up at Matt, he holds her with one arm and wipes away her tears. “I know you missed me but there is no reason to cry.” Annie starts to hit his chest with her fists. “You cocky, arrogant, jerk!” She says in between hits, Matt fakes a yawn. When Annie realizes that her hits aren't affecting Matt she stops.
“She's a feisty one, isn't she.” The stranger says toward Matt. “Its been a while Brad, how have you been?” Annie looks at Brad, his eyes are locked on her. Brad crosses his arms across his chest, shrugging his shoulders. “Fine, I guess. You know, she is pretty cute, we could have some good old-fashioned fun with her.” Annie's eyes grow in fear, she shakes her head no. Matt chuckles and turns around, walking away. “Bye Brad.”
Annie gives up on trying to get out of Matt's grasp, knowing he's too strong. Eventually, Annie and Matt make their way up a gravel driveway, leading to a barn with faded paint. “Took ya long enough, I've been waiting here for a while.” Dan says at Matt, he walks over to them and follow Matt and Annie inside. Matt lets go of Annie and grabs her wrist once again. The inside of the barn looked nothing like a barn, but a fully functioning bar. The three of the make their way to a table, Matt sits Annie down. Leaning over he whispers into her ear, “Don't try anything”. Dan sits a crossed from her at the table, Matt walks away.
A couple minutes later Brad comes and sits next to Annie. “Why are you hanging out with a loser like Matt. You'll have more fun with me sweetie.” Annie looks at him with disbelief. She had been kidnapped and he thinks that she is with them willingly. Brad leans in to kiss her but she pushes him away, knocking him and his chair toppling backwards onto the floor. She ran for the door but two big burly men block it when she gets there. She turns around and Brad is right there, behind her. She's pushed into the two men and they grab Annie's arm's holding them behind her. He puts his hand on her cheek, Annie turns her head away. “Oh don't be like that.” He moves his hands on her hips. Brad moves in to kiss her, one of his hands moved to her back. He kisses Annie for a second, she got goosebumps all over.
Annie takes in a big gulp of air and screams, she screams at the top of her lungs. The big men let go of her to cover her ears, Brad scolds her and punches her to silence her. “Shut up you stupid girl.” The punch has so much force, Annie's feet were knocked out from below her. Annie could see a pair of feet running toward her before she blacks out.
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hey all this is where you can see all of my awsome storys
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Before I met you,
the sun,
was like a yellow grape.
the sun,
was like a yellow grape.