"Ge' outta here ya' ******** hoebag."
▶name ;; Deza Longhart
▶age ;; 17
▶birthday ;; June 14th
▶nationality ;; European
▶species ;; Unknown
- h
- [li
- [lislist]
▶hair color ;; black
▶eye color ;; sea green
▶skin color ;; fare
▶height ;; 5"2
▶chest ;; double d's
▶brown tattoo is very important. read bio for more information.
▶her boobs are big. BIG. if you can't draw boobs, don't draw her at all.
▶Her creature form is very detailed. If you decide to draw this form, please send me a wip of the piece before you color/lineart it.
personality ;; perverted - cocky - hot tempered
Deza hates it when unknown people approach her. She never has anything to say, and things tend to get awkward. But once you get to know her, you can tell she is more open, and friendly. Deza loves cracking jokes and making innuendos out of nothing. Though at times she goes from really happy, to angry. Having a short fuse tends to do that. Her two best friends Gaberiel and Elliot know this better than anybody, but barley get on her bad side. Another thing about Deza that no one really knows about [except for Gabe and Elliot] is that she is a complete, utter, pervert. Not fangirl type, just that everything in her mind sounds wrong. And she always has the urge to say something inappropriate, or add a comment to make something sound wrong. Ah yes, but this is what makes Deza, Deza.
Bio//Story ;; Deza's childhood was not very good. Up to the age of five, her life was filled with loving parents, and an adorable baby sister, and everything seemed to be perfect. Until one night, her father and mother went out for a 'walk', which Deza secretly followed them from a few feet behind. When they arrived at a tree far away from the house, her father bent down and picked up a rope as her mother walked forward. He then stood up and wrapped the rope around his wife's neck and strangled her until death. He then threw the rope over the tree and tied it up, making the scene as if she committed suicide. Deza saw everything and her dear father knew this. So he shut her up. Threatened to kill her sister next if she said anything about her mother. Deza played along with the horrible image in her head for years, she to this day she still does.
Now, the real story begins with 12 year old Deza and her elder sister Mint [6years] at the mall while their father was out of town. An ally way of strange shops sat next to the mall, and on that day the decided to take a risk and check out the shops. The two were amazed at all the different things they had there, and Mint was especially interested in a small rock with a neon green inscription scribbled on. The tiny stone sat in a box with a glass container around it The man at the shop told Mint that the stone held a 'curse' like no other, and if it were touch the beholder would soon become nothing more then a puppet. "Their are three others like this." He said. "Purple, yellow and blue. I have the green one." She did not believe the story, and wanted the stone so badly. Deza saw her sisters saddness, so she decided to wait until night, and for the man to leave so she could sneak inside and steal the stone for her younger sister her. The two waited until the man left before Deza sneaked into the shop. It was so old and worn out, no alarms were set, no cameras were hidden, it was a free steal. Deza removed the class contained and stared at the stone. It was beautiful, and she understood why her sister wanted it so badly. She reached inside to grab the stone, but as soon as her finger tips touched the stone, she feel to the ground, knocked out cold. Mint shook her furiously until she awoke. That night, the two went home without the stone. Deza didn't even remember seeing the stone. Little did she know something now sleeped in her body. Waiting.
[will continue later lols.]