Allright my dad finally got over his fears of us breakin his tv and got us a wii for x-mas!! Seriously i heard that they were friggin awesome and they are!! there are so many different ways to play games! Ive only got a few games but my favoritee is Super Smash Bros Brawl. That game is so badass! there are a s**t load of characters and it never gets boring. Even the 1-player is awesome. you would never think that it was the third to the ever growing Smash Bros series! I cant wait to get my pay again so i can buy another game. (if u dont have a wii save ur cash n' buy one damn it! so worth 3hundo (for idiots that means Hundred) the only bad part is the wii remote drain batteries hella fast so u gotts buy a s**t oad of batteries