Zoe_Tellerman's Journal |
Bits about my book, likes, dislikes, problems, of the day... you name it I might talk about it... |
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Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 @ 01:46am
The Quiz Thing of DOOM! -repost- (Found in another journal)
Little Big Quiz of Blah ---You have 10 bucks and need to buy snacks at a gas station, what do you get? Everything, but what I need. ---If you had to be reincarnated as some sort of sea dwelling creature, what would you be? Kelpie, it’s a horse thing that comes up to land and drowns people… they kick a**! ---Who's your favorite Redhead? George Weasley ---What do you order when you're at an McDonalds? Umm… food…---Last book you read: Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows ---Have you made out with anyone on your friend's list? Yes... well technically no because that person is no longer on my list ---Describe your favorite pair of underwear: All my new cute ones ---Describe the last time you were injured: Probably when I bumped my leg against the coffee table---Of all people, with whom would you want to be stuck in a well with? Bob the Nudist! He kicks a**! ---Are there any odd things that make you feel uncomfortable? Your MOM. ---Are there any weird things that turn you on? Dirty stories like on adult fan fiction. I find the written word more stimulating than the crap they try to pull off as porn. I think porn is more there for my entertain than my pleasure.---What is the wallpaper on your cell phone? I hate cell phones and do not have one. May anyone that has one have some weird thing occur where they use a cell phone and then die like on this one movie I watched last month. (They can give you cancer of the ear besides) ---Flavor of pudding? The white kind that isn’t vanilla. ---What type of shirt are you wearing? Black tank top---Prescription medication? None lately. ---If you could use only one form of transportation for the rest of your life, what would it be? Either a bike for exercise or my dream car… 1957 Jaguar Roadster… Both work. ---How many people are on your friends list? I don’t really care, I’ll probably be deleting the ones I don’t talk to much later anyway. ---How many people on your list do you know in real life? About 22… maybe more…---What are you listening to right now? coin-operated boy-- Dresden Dolls---Most recent movie you've watched in a theater? Hairspray and it was kick a**! ---If you could invent anything what would it be? A device to let you draw the things in your mind that you can’t get down on paper… also comes in a version for writers but it costs extra… ---Name a teacher you had the hots for: Mr. Truax… my junior AP Biology Teacher. He’s ******** HOTT! ---What's your favorite city? New Mayhem from the vampire series by Amelia Atwater Rodes. ---Favorite kind of cake? Ice cream Cake ---What's the first word that comes to mind right now? Bob ---When was the last time you saw your mom in person? Right after I got off work today. ---Who got you to join Myspace? Tifany---What did you have for dinner LAST NIGHT? Umm… umm… I don’t know… food I think… ---How long have you been residing in the current city you live? For about 18 years… ---What's the last thing you said out loud? p***s!---Look to your left, what do you see? Our Christmas tree... its so pretty.---Who is the last person who spent $100 on you? My Mommy last Christmas---When was your last kiss? s**t I don’t remember… years… maybe? ---What's the last piece of clothing you bought? A little black dress ---Go into your text message log on your phone...who is the last person you sent a text to? I hate cell phones so what the ******** do you think the answer is? Your Autobiography Part 1: The Birth of You ---Were you a planned baby?: Hecks no! My mom even told me I was an accident. I mean seriously who plans o get pregnant at the age of 15?---Were you the first?: First and only! ---Who was present at your birth? My mom and dad and their mothers.---Were your parents married when you were born?: s**t no! He isn’t even ******** here now. ---What is your birthdate?: April 28th, 1989 Part 2: The Family ---How would you describe your family?: There… yeah… ---Are your parents married? Divorced? Seperated?: They were never married because the ******** face that he is didn’t stick around long enough for me to even know what he looked like without a picture of the ******** head… I live with mom though. She kicks a**! ---Siblings or an only child?: Only child! That’s right be jealous. ---Which parent do you get along with best?: My mother who the ******** else! ---What do you fight about?: Random things for no reason that we really don’t mean. I don’t think we’ve ever had a real fight. We respect each other so yeah nothing to fight about. ---Do you have step parents?: No, but my mom has a boyfriend that is older then my grandfather… Part 3: The Friends ---Do you have more than one best friend?: Yes I’d like to think that all the friends I claim now are my best friends because I don’t claim many. ---What do you like to do when you are together? Hang out, talk about school and summer, complain, and talk about kick a** movies and video games! ---Do you share the same interests?: For the most part. ---Which friend can you tell anything to? Christie, T-fa, Amanda, Stacy… Mostly… Part 4: Your Personality ---How high/low is your self esteem?: Really ********’ low… but I’m good at seeming otherwise. ---Do you get depressed about things easily? Depends on the thing… ---Are you an extrovert or an introvert?: Introvert through and through Piss me off for long enough and I’ll explode and eat your face.---Are you happy?: I can be… ---Do you live life to the fullest? I can pretend! Part 5: Appearance ---Are you comfortable with the way you look? I have low self esteem what do you think? ---Do you have any piercings besides your ears?: No I don’t think I could pull off having them in any other place on my body. ---Describe your hair? Straight with little to no body to it. Just barely past my shoulders and a medium dark brown with auburn highlights and and and... yeah... ---What make-up do you wear?: A little eyeliner her some mascara there... ---How do you dress? What ever I feel like that is comfortable and clean at the time… sometimes I just pull s**t off the floor if I don’t like what I have though. Part 6: The Past ---Were you a strange child?: I still am. ---What did you use to love that you no longer do? Math ---Do you have the same friends?: Yes I have a few. ---Was there anything in your past that was traumatizing? That’s in the past and where it belongs to be. Part 7: The Future ---What is your ambition?: To get through school and make something of myself in the areas I’m best at. Namely Art and English/ Journalism. ---Are you scared of growing old?: I could care less. ---Do you want to get married?: Not particularly... Part 8: The Outdoors ---Do you prefer indoors or outdoors?: I’m a ******** hermit. So yeah the indoors kick a**! I only go outside to go to work school and home and if I decide to go out with friends.---Favorite Season? Fall. Halloween ******** kicks a**! ---Favorite weather? I love the rain, but I hate getting wet so yeah… I like watching rain from a window seat. ---Do you like walking in the rain? No! Water and I don’t get along. I’m like a cat in that respect. Part 9: Food ---Are you a vegetarian?: I’m not a vegetarian because I love animals… I’m a vegetarian because I hate plants! ---What is your favorite food?: The kind you eat… ---What food makes you want to gag?: Sardines and and and most other fish ---What is your favorite dessert?: Banana Cream Pie ---What is your favorite restaurant?: Elmer’s---Are you a fussy eater? Maybe… -shifty eyes- Part 10: Relationships and Love ---Are you single or taken?: I’m single at the moment. ---If taken who is the lucky guy/girl?: It used to be Bradley and there was someone else, but we don’t need to bring up that part of the past. ---Do you think love is the best feeling in the world?: Its something I can live without. ---Do you believe in love at first sight? I guess, but I haven’t experienced it yet. Part 11: Experiences ---What was one of your greatest experiences?: Getting another chapter of my story written.---What was one of your worst? It’s something of the past and needs no reminder. ---Have you ever done drugs? Unintentionally. My friend gave me some for my cramps to make it stop. Everything was just… there and I felt happy and painless… ---Have you ever thought you were going to die?: Yes/no… I’ve had dreams of my own suicide. ---Have you ever suffered from depression?: All the time.
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 @ 12:30pm
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Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 @ 08:03am
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 @ 12:53pm
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Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 @ 12:49pm
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 @ 12:47pm
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Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 @ 12:46pm
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 @ 03:01am
Chapter 1
I lay in my bed waiting for mom to come home, Hours later I get a call on the phone, "I'm sorry miss, she's no going to make it." Why should I sit back and take it? Mom, I stayed here and waited for you. Now, you've up and left out of the blue. Where should I go? What should I do? Mom, I waited for you.
My mom was on her way back from a party when she swerved to miss a deer and went off the side of the road. God, I wish I could have said goodbye. I hope she understands that I loved her even if we never shared the words with each other, and that wherever she is she's waiting, waiting for me, her youngest of three.
My sister and I would be moving soon and the house would go up for sale. We had to go to the service today. The service didn't last long and only family came. I read my poem telling everyone of my pain. Some of them cried as I did while I read my feelings aloud. We had some food and a little family get together trying to catch up on things. My uncle offered to let us stay at his house, but we declined telling him of our plans to see another relative.
After service we migrated to our house so everyone could pay their last respects to mom and her old home. A couple of them took a few things that held something close to their heart and others took back old presents. I thought it was rude of them to still hold a grudge with someone in their grave, but my sister said that they had their own reasons.
Once everyone had said their fair wells and left my sister and I went up stairs to pack. We would stay home tonight and in the morning we get on the train and leave for our brother's house. I'm glad now that I didn't tell anyone who we were staying with. They all think that my brother is a jerk for not coming to the funeral. I'm sure he had his reasons.
When we do leave though we won't be able to take anything too big. Most of our things will be put in a storing garage. We'll take what we can now and see about the bigger things later. Naturally, our furniture wouldn't be coming until later.
I began putting pictures of mom in my suitcase and sometimes I even took the time to stare at one for awhile. To think in one day, my whole life turned around and my existence no longer seemed important. My clothes were really in the back of my mind when it came to packing. My memories of mom were at a minimum and I wasn't leaving any of it behind. As I finished packing the rest of my things I walked into my bathroom and relieved myself of my clothes.
It had been a long day and I was tired. I opened the sliding door to the shower and stepped in. I slowly picked up my shampoo and lathered my hair. I liked bathing it was relaxing for me. As soon as I was done I washed the soap out and did the same with the conditioner. After I was finished I opened the shower door and reached out blindly for my towel.
My hands slide across the counter top until I felt the soft fabric underneath my fingers. Grabbing it I brought it to my face and dried it off continuing to do so to the rest of my body. When I was done, I slipped into my pajamas and walked back into my room where I crawled under my covers soon before falling asleep.
I was on a street; there were no cars just empty looming street. I walked on in search of why I was there. As I rounded the corner I saw a deer dive in front of a car and push another out of the way. The driver swerved and ran off the side of the highway. The words escaped my lips before I even took in the sight before me, Mother, no!
I shot up in bed covered in cold sweat. I had a nightmare about mom. It was almost as if I had been there myself. I wish I really had been then maybe I could have stopped her. Maybe she would still be alive and I could stay home with her and my sister like it had been before, but I knew very well there was nothing I could have done that night.
Today I, Gemini Marie Valintine, will be moving to a new house, in a new town, with new people. I personally don't want to go. Being the new kid in a small town was never good, at least to me. My brother, Jake had been living in one for a while, so naturally, everyone- and- they're- dog know that my sister and I are coming to stay with him. After mom died the only choice was to either, move in with Jake, our slob brother or Gregori, our alcoholic father. As it seems, we chose Jake.
Jake is like us, what I mean by that is, my sister, brother and I all have unexplainable powers. I have the ability to shape-shift. Mostly, I just like to shift my size or change my appearance, but every so often I like to change into an owl or other night-dwelling, winged creature. That's my talent, or curse, depending on how you look at it.
When it comes to my sister, I can't really explain her abilities. She never gets hurt no matter what happens to her. I have heard of fast healers in my day, but that's ridiculous. Not only is she invincible, but she can also create energies like fire, ice, and lightening. Not to mention her ability to teleport, and sometimes she can even become invisible.
As for my brother's powers... he shares some that I have and a little of my sisters, but recently he has discovered that he is telekinetic, meaning he can speak to us through our mind. He promised to teach me when I get to his house, but I really don't think he'll have the time for it. I was never really top priority on his list. Actually, I think he chooses pride over family.
He has two jobs; of course Kelly doesn't believe that. According to her, Jake is a lying, no talent, slob who would sooner be in the grave before he held down a decent job, let alone take care of two 15 year olds. As she has told may a time before, 'Jake likes to party and he'll do so every chance he gets.' I guess she has a point there, Jake really isn't one for organization, but I really think my sister, in a way, is jealous of my brother's bond with me.
Jake and I usually get along really well, but sometimes he treats me as if I'm a child. My sister thinks he just does it because I'm younger and he likes me more. She says he's only doing it to show that he cares for me. I wish he would start caring for her! We're the same age and he still won't get off my back.
He never really got along with Kelly when I was around though. It was almost like she completely changed. Everything was that way when it came to the two of them together. Maybe it's just me, but I think she wanted attention from my brother, even if only for a bodyguard type person.
Now I have to give the house my last respects too, Now it's our turn to leave out of the blue. Goodbye my friends, I'll see you again because my story never ends. So as we drive to the station, We make our way to a new destination.
Now we have to board the train. I wish mom were still here. To be perfectly honest, I don't really look forward to living with Jake again, I'm almost afraid of this train ride's end. Being away from my brother has brought my sister and I closer together. I fear that if we get off and go to his house everything we made together will be for nothing. I really hope that Kelly and Jake have changed for the better.
My sister and I walked in a compartment and set our things on the shelf above us. The lady pushing the trolley stopped by the door to see if we wanted anything. My sister got a candy bar and I just settled for a soda. We sat in silence not speaking to each other or even acknowledging each other's existence.
Train rides are so boring. We've made a lot of progress, but really the only thing you can do is either sleep of find something to read. Kelly chose sleep. I would if I could, but it doesn't come that easy for me. I have to be comfortable and these seats are no where near my comfort zone. I wish I had grabbed a book. The scenery is nice though. As I watched it go by I found myself consumed by sleep.
I was on a street; there were no cars just empty looming street. I walked on in search of why I was there. As I rounded the corner I saw a deer dive in front of a car and push another out of the way. The driver swerved and ran off the side of the highway. The words escaped my lips before I even took in the sight before me, Mother, no!
I had the dream again, but this time I was awoken by my sister as she began shaking me franticly so I would wake up. The train has stopped, so I guess we'll be getting off. The people around here don't seem very friendly. When I went to step off the train I got pushed out of the way for being to slow. I can't help it when I'm tired. I really hope that the people in town are more polite.
I can't wait to see Jake, even if he and Kelly don't get along. It'll be something they can fix together. Now, the only problem is, how we're going to get to Jake's house? We never made a place to meet. Kelly said she'd call and force him to pick us up, but when she did, all we got was the answering machine:
"Hey, this is Jake, I'm not home right now so leave a message. Kelly, Jamie if that's you, I'm out of town right now with some friends and will be gone for the weekend. If you need a ride call Destiny. I live near her. sort of. Love ya."
Love ya! That one's rich. Who is this Destiny chick anyway? We don't even have her number. I think we'll be better off walking to his house. We walked for what seemed like forever. You really don't get to far to fast on your feet, but I hope we get there soon because the next time I get hit with a kid's ball, I'm not going be nice about it.
Finally we turned a corner and there was Jake's house. Now, we could get a good look at my brother's barbaric life style. His yard, gross, filled with pop cans and other debris, and, needless to say, my sister and I were in no way interested in seeing the contents of the house. Kelly turned to me and made a motion to leave.
"We can find our own place, I have money. I wanted to get a certain house here anyway." Kelly said grabbing my arm, and pulling me away from the yard.
As we were walking away someone walked out the front door calling after us. We had no idea who this guy was, but we weren't going to wait and find out.
As we ran, the guy yelled, "Hey! Stop! Wait a minute! Aren't you Jamie and Kelly, Jake's twin sisters?"
My sister stopped dead in her tracks, causing a collision between us. She turned and looked at him with wide, dangerous eyes. "Who are you and how do you know who we are?" Her tone was slow and threatening. She wanted answers and she would get them.
"My name is Kristoph, you can call me Kris. Your brother and I go to school together." As he explained and caught his breath I had a chance to look at him. He had tight muscles that showed through is white tank top and black button up shirt. His lips were a pale pink and as I continued down his body he wore a pair of tight leather pants, also black.
"He told me you were coming and we have already enrolled you guys into school. Speaking of which, school starts in 1 week. I've been instructed to take you guys shopping." His words had taken me out of my dream mode and something around his neck caught my eye. It was a necklace of some sort. As I continued to stare at it he got uncomfortable and hid it in his shirt.
"What was that?" I asked, curiosity taking over.
He kindly answered my question; "It was given to me. Just a family thing that's all, anyway, the three of us share the house. Now, of course, you'll be there, so-"
My sister cut him off. "What do you mean the three of you? Who's the third one!?" She asked frantically. "My baby sister will not be stuck in a house full of men!"
He tossed his hands up in surrender as if she was a police officer and he was being charged for something. "Hey now, no need to get violent. We have no interest in you, at least I don't, and I'm sure your brother feels the same way. Well, I can't be sure of my brother. he might be a problem."
As he explained, my sister's attention was taken by something behind Kris. He finally noticed this and turned around to see what had her gaze. It was a tall man with black hair and ice blue eyes; his out fit was black and clung to his well-kept muscles. I couldn't tell if it was because he was in the dark clothing, but he looked very pale and malnourished. From where I stood it looked bad. Kelly leaned toward Kris and whispered in his ear, "Is it just me, or is that guy. how to put it. pale, dying, possibly dead!"
A thin smile formed on his masculine face. "Dead, ha! You hear that Nikki? She's worried about you and you've only just met."
The man across the way wasn't smiling. "Dear brother, don't call me Nikki or I'll be forced to call you Krissy." He looked at my sister and I and spoke to us directly. "My name is Nikoali Turner, just call me Nick."
Kelly and I were at a loss. One of them started chasing after us and the other seems in need of some medical care. I finally got my voice back. "So. this is your brother? Now, how was it you met mine?"
The two shared glances and then began at the same time. "Your brother goes to our school and when he transferred he needed a place to stay."
Suddenly I got the urged to ask them if they knew of my brother's powers, but decided against it. The thought had not been spoken aloud, but I still received an answer. "Yes, we know of your brother's abilities. So does everyone else. We, that is my brother and I, suspect that the two of you have your own powers that you can enable and use at your own leisure."
It was Nick who had spoken and I don't know why, but I thought something was strange about him. My eyes caught the same necklace that Kris wore around Nick's neck as well. I guess he wasn't lying when he called it a family thing, but what does it mean? Nick did the same thing as his brother had, hiding it from my gaze.
Now, it was my sister's turn to speak. "So what exactly are you? No one likes people like us. Wouldn't you be more interested in getting rid of us than keeping us around? Or is it that you aren't exactly human yourselves?"
The two of them looked shocked. I'm not sure if it was because my sister thought they weren't human or that they had some odd secret that only the people of this town knew. Either way, they were hiding something.
Kris spoke first. "We all have secrets, secrets that can not be discussed any further at this time. Come back to the house with us. Your brother will be home later." My sister nodded and we followed them back to the house, were I had a question that had been bugging me since my sister called.
"Who is Destiny?"
The brothers looked surprised that I knew the name, but still answered my question. "Your brother and her get along, but they don't. She's about your age and thinks that your brother is a slob, as I'm sure you do too. O' and before you ask, no they aren't together. They just kind of have an agreement with each other. You'll meet her at the school. She can be a little hard to get used to, but in the end you'll all get along. Believe me, I know."
My sister and I just looked at them, as the four of us walked in the house. Kelly spoke, " Not to get off topic, but. why is the outside so. dirty? Inside the house is spotless, outside you can hardly find it."
Kris blushed and looked down at his feet. "Actually, the house looked a lot worse, but I figured that the house should be clean so you would at least consider staying until your brother gets back. and I forgot about the yard." Kris admitted sheepishly.
I looked from him, to Nick, to Kelly, and then at the door. "Well then, we'll all go out there now and clean it."
All of them looked at me like I was a nut, but all of them came and chipped in. We had fun throwing pieces of garbage at each other every so often. I got a cheeseburger wrapper stuck in Nick's shirt so he had to take it off momentarily. I won't lie; I liked what I saw.
The yard was clean in a few hours time, but that didn't change the fact that it was almost dark when we were done. As we walked back in, my sister ran up the stairs and found the room she wanted, tossing her clothes and other things inside before coming back down stairs and into the kitchen.
I too made my way up the stairs and into my room. I needed a change of clothing and a hot shower. I walked out the door and down the hall to find the bathroom. As I wandered looking in some of the rooms I found what I presumed to be Nick's room. There were quite a few pictures, but all of them were black and white. In one of them there was pretty girl, again I made an assumption, she must have been his girlfriend. I was about to close the door and continue on when I felt someone behind me. It was Nick.
Quickly I turned around. Has he looked down at me, I felt very small. When he spoke I jumped a bit even though his voice was very soft and relaxing. "What are you looking for?"
I didn't look him in the eye. I kept my head down and said, "Where's the bathroom." My voice was tiny and barely audible.
He chuckled. "I'm not gonna bite ya. Don't worry." He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and turned me a bit pointing ahead. "Go straight down this hall and it's the last door to your left."
I nodded saying my thank you and then I began to head down the hallway. In my departure he slapped my butt making me jump. Kris was right; I was going to have to watch Nick.
When I finally got to the door, I walked in relieving myself of my clothes, advancing toward the shower, and turned the knobs to my desired temperature. I slowly stepped in and closed the certain behind me. Picking up a bar of soap, I began to scrub my skin clean. I could feel the grime on my skin fall to the base of the tub. My body had acquired more sweat and dirt then I thought possible. As I finished my shower I turned the knobs back off and opened the certain once again. My hand went out to reach for the counter, but then I realized that I was no longer at home. I cautiously stepped from the shower and grabbed a towel from the little shelf next to the sink. I dried myself as best I could and slipped into another outfit.
When I came downstairs there was a note from my sister saying that she went to the store with Kris and that Nick went for a bite to eat. I figured he would return first. I crumpled the note and tossed it in the garbage. They had left me alone, in an unsuspecting neighborhood, with nothing to do.
As any bored teenager would, I went back up stairs, into my room, and went to crawl into bed. Just as I pulled my shirt off, leaving myself in only a tank top and pants, there was a tap at my window. I looked out from where I stood to see if I could spot anything, but it was to dark to see out.
I walked over, pushed the window open and someone at the bottom made a kind of 'psst' noise. I looked down to see who was there. He was a boy about my age. He had blond hair and glowing blue eyes. He wasn't human and I knew it. His soft, swift movements and bloodthirsty features gave his race away. He was a vampire and by the look of his pale face I could tell he hadn't eaten lately.
I, being an immortal and enemy of such a beast, jumped from my window landing in front of him. "Hello, mi' dear. What brings you to this place? Your family not like your type either?" He asked in a taunting voice.
"No, my mother died. She of course was human and before you get any ideas leech, I am not." I spat.
He took a step back. "Then what exactly are you? You still seem to have warm blood flowing through those glowing veins of yours." He leapt at me, aimed for my throat, but before he could latch onto me, something knocked him out of the way.
The vampire stood up flailing blindly at the attacker. He slowly regained composure and was able to see his target. I watched as the two beings fought eachother. Yet, the one to my rescue was not of vampiric decent, but from a more animalistic group, the werewolves. As I continued to watch them I noticed how weak the vampire really was. After a few more blows from the werewolf he ran away.
Slowly the werewolf turned to look at me. "My name is Jaguar, I felt you were in danger. I presume correct?"
I realized his question and answered him. "I could have handled it, but I'm glad you came to fight for me. Why did you come to fight for me anyway?"
It was his turn to answer my question. "Your brother asked me to watch you while he was gone. You're an immortal like him, are you not?"
Again I found myself answer a question. "Yes, wait. how did you know?"
The foot- steps of another broke up our conversation and we both stood still watching for the person. Jaguar finally broke the silence when the figure came into the front yard. "Hello Nikolas, I was just talking with Jamie here. She had a run in tonight. How did your night go?"
There he goes again ending in a question. Nick didn't answer instead he looked at me with wide eyes. Had I done something wrong? Finally I couldn't stand being watched any longer. I stared back at him imitating his gaze. "What? Did I do something wrong? If I remember correctly it was you, your brother, and my sister that left me alone."
He continued to stare. "What is your problem!" Again I received no answer. "That's it I'm going to bed!" With that I ran into the house, up the stairs, into my room, and slammed the door. I could hear soft mumbling from outside. I had left my window open and the slight buzzing of urgent whispers filled my ears.
My curiosity took over and I made my way to the open widow to better hear what was being said. "Was it her? Was she the one you've been looking for?" It was Jaguar who spoke and I wished I had listened to more of the conversation.
Then Nick spoke up. "Well, it has to be! I followed her sister all night and it just couldn't have been her, but when I came home and saw her with you-" His words and been silenced by the loud laughter of my sister.
"O' hey Nick," she paused looking at Jaguar. "And you are?"
I noticed a faint smile creep across his face and he held his head up in arrogant pride. "I'm a werewolf, what else? My name is Jaguar and I'm the leader of my pack."
My sister chuckled. "O' so we have the alpha male coming to visit us late at night. What do we owe the pleasure?"
I had no care for what they were talking about anymore. I walked back to my bed and flopped on it not even bothering with my pajamas. As my eyes began to shut I heard my bedroom door open behind me. I knew it wasn't Kelly because I could still hear her voice from the open window. I tensed in my bed and closed my eyes. I wasn't sure who the intruder was, but if I stay like this maybe he'll leave. I was wrong he closed the door behind him and took a few paces toward the bed.
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Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 @ 02:56am
Chapter 2
I don't know what brought me to her room but I was compelled to go to her side. Luckily, she was asleep. Otherwise, I would be forced to lie to her and that's not what I want to do. Slowly I made my way to her bedside. I was lost in her motionless state. She looked so peaceful yet very tense. I even noticed her kind of twitch a bit. Seeing it as a sign of cold I walked to the window, closing it tightly and returned to her side.
She was beautiful, the way her hair cascaded down her perfect body like a blanket, her long, thick eyelashes delicately lying against her high, pink cheekbones. I could stay here for hours describing every irresistible inch of her. I wanted badly to press my lips to hers, to feel that soft skin under me. The touch of a woman I desperately tried to remember.
Not able to control myself I leaned down and kissed her tenderly on the lips, savoring the feel. It felt so right having her under me. Our bodies practically molded together. I felt my fangs begin to unsheathe and quickly pulled away. I looked at her a moment and then exited her room. My heart was pounding, I had almost taken her in her sleep.
As I walked out I heard my brother's voice, "Nick, what the hell were you doing in there? It's forbidden, you know that. Jeez, I can't leave you for a second! I know you want your mate back, but seeking her though another woman's body is not the way."
I knew he was right, but I have waited 15 years for her to come back and now that I've found her in someone else, I have to have her. "Kris, I know what you're saying, but it's not that simple. That's like me telling you to stop drinking blood. You can do it, but that doesn't always mean that it's a good idea. Jamie holds a part of my past inside her, and once I have awakened that I will be complete again. No, she is not Abby, but she holds her soul."
Kris just shook his head and continued down the hall to his own room. Abby, I hadn't really thought about her in a long time. I was to busy watching over the twins. I'm glad Jake never noticed, but in some cases I wish he could know of my intentions with his sister after I awaken her locked soul. Every thing will go back to the way it was, before the accident.
In having that talk with my brother, old memories began to dredge up. I was back at my old apartment. I had come too late. They had already had their way with her by the time I had sensed her distress. I was going to perform the mating ritual of my kind. She would have made a beautiful bride, my undead queen and they took her away from me! I remember touching her limp lifeless body. The images of her death were flooding my head. In one of her memories she said she was sorry. The words forgive me played across her ice- blue lips. They were my friends, drunk and high and they had no regard for what they had done to her, to me! They never wanted me with a human in the first place. I wasn't able to pin the blame on them even with all my evidence, but I got my revenge in other ways, working my way to the top. I am now the third oldest of my kind. One particular thought still crosses my mind though, 'Why would Abby ask my forgiveness in her mind, but never say it out loud?'
My head ached, just thinking about the trauma of that day. I wish she were still here. As I get older I feel more alone and useless. I hope Jamie is able to awaken the soul within and except my request. 'Please Jamie, you're my last hope.'
An annoying voice sounded behind me taking me out of my thought process. "So, you went in Jamie's room? You PERV!! She was asleep!"
I shook my head. "She barged in my room, I barged in hers. We're even. It's not like she was undressing or something when I went in there!"
"What the hell was she doing in your room?"
"Don't sound so surprised. Maybe that angelic sister of yours has deeper feelings."
"Don't count on it! The last guy my sister was with caused a whole mess of trouble. She'd think twice before going out with a guy like you!" With that endnote she walked off.
Her words never left my mind. What if Jamie really feels that way. Will she see that we are meant for eachother? My thoughts were taken from me again as another familiar voice passed over my ears.
"So, is she really the one? Or do you have to shag her first?" That cocky tone could only be one person, Jaguar.
"I swear, is that all you think about? Your mom should have named you Shaguar instead!"
"Don't even start with me lover boy!"
"I'm sorry, how is your mom anyway?"
"She could be better. The pack's doctor said that she might not make it."
"I'm really sorry. Hey, there's a girl I know that could possibly help. Her names Frost, Destiny Frost."
"You make her sound like James Bond. I half expected you to say something along the lines of Frost, Destiny Frost; doctor extraordinare. Anyway, I can't. She had a really bad run in a couple of years ago. Needless to say, she isn't fond of my kind."
My eyes grew wide with interest. "What do you mean? What happened to her? No one from your pack right?"
He bowed his head. "Unfortunately, yes. They beat and raped her. She was supposed to be a kill, but somehow she managed to live through the night. She even beat a few of them off before running for cover in the forest. She had the brains enough to spray their noses so they couldn't find her."
I stared at him a moment, if this was the same instance I was thinking about he had helped that person get away. "She's a natural healer, a witch if you will and would make a fine mate. What I'm trying to say is, I've seen the way you look longingly at woman and that glow in your eye when you told me that story. She's lonely too. I can get her to at least meet you. See if she could possibly do something for your mom."
He glared at me. "I'm capable of getting my own mate thank you! Don't even bother with her. She's knows some of my pack. She'd never do it."
I glared back at him smacking him over the head. "Don't be such a whiner! If you really want her to live than leave me to do all the work! I'll even go get her now!"
His eyes widened. "But, you can't! It's late!"
I scoffed looking him up and down. "You're here aren't you? I remember it being rather dark when you showed up and it's not late. On the contrary, it's rather early. 4am to be exact."
He just stared at me as I left the house. I made my way down the little path from the front steps. It was amazing to actually know I had a front lawn. Even though I could easily get to her house without even thinking about it, I decided to walk.
The streets got worse as I approached her area, worse than my yard had been. She lived in a mansion on a hill. Kind of like a castle looking down at its village. I believe that at one point it actually did. Slowly I made my way to the front gate of Frost Mansion.
It made me shudder to think that she could live in that house without any company. That's another reason I want her to be with Jaguar. The two of them could fill in that feeling of loneliness together.
Finally I made my way passed the gate and to the front door. I grabbed the cobra shaped knocker and tapped it against the door a few times. I could hear the rumble of feet from the inside. Shortly after such the door flew open. "Good morning, did I wake you?"
Her silver hair flew up in anger and her eyes turned white each aspect contrasting with her dark skin. "What the hell do you want!?"
I tossed my hands in the air. "Hey, wow now, I just came for a favor. no need to get hostile."
Her hair went back down to lie on her bronze shoulders and her eyes returned to their originally red-black color. "What kind of favor?" She asked quizzically.
"My friend's mother has been badly injured and the doctor doesn't think he can fix her. I figured a woman of your expertise could help."
"As flattering as that is. I don't know. What's in it for me?"
I paused, I hadn't really thought about it. "What do you want?"
She grinned, "Why, money, of course."
I glared at her, "How much?"
"How much are you willing to pay?"
"Depends on how much you ask for."
"Fine then, I have to see the patient first. I take it we'll be going to your house? What'd she do, trip over some of your crap and land on a sharp object?"
I glared at her. Jaguar's mother had been poisoned by a feuding pack. Their plan was to take out the queen or head b***h of the pack, to weaken the opponent. They hadn't succeeded in killing her, but they did badly poison her. "That's not how it happened at all!"
She smirked and ran to dress. I waited down stairs and sent messages to Jaguar through my mind. 'She'll do it. Bring your mother to my house and wait for me there. I know there's no chance in hell that she'd go anywhere near yours. To many werewolves.'
'Are you sure that she'll do it?'
'Positive. Just wait for me when you get her there.'
My link to him was broken when I heard her voice from behind me. "Interesting conversation you're having over there?"
"Are you ready?"
"I'll take that as a, none of my business. So how are we getting there?"
"Getting where?"
"To your house idiot!"
"Well, I walked here."
"O' no, I ain't walking. I'll drive, come on."
"You mean you actually have a car, and not some old broomstick!?"
"Ha ha, very funny. Get in the damn car."
"God, such foul language."
"Yes, I am almighty!! Kiss my a**!"
"No, I might bite you and I'm not sure who would like it more."
"You're just a real comedian aren't you? Now get in the damn car!"
"Yes, master."
"Master, I like that." She giggled.
". As you wish master. whatever you say master."
"Get in the car you freak! I can't have you out in the open like this. People might start to think that my creations are loose."
I laughed and got into the car. We road in silence, just kind of enjoying each other's presence and the fact that the other's not talking. We approached my house in less than an hour and there was Jaguar sitting next to where his mother where she laid on the couch.
"We're here." I exclaimed as I opened the door.
I heard a gasp from behind me. "My god, what happened to her!? I'll need to look at her right away. What kind of poison is it?"
"How did you know it was poison?" Jaguar asked looking at her.
"Look at her skin, it's clammy and burning to the touch. If she were human she would have died by now, what is she?"
Jaguar's eyes widened, but it wasn't he who spoke, "I am a werewolf."
I could tell Jaguar was forcing back tears, "Mother no."
Destiny stepped back. "O' no, I can't do it! I'll burn in hell first."
I had to step in, "Destiny please, this woman needs your help. You're the only one that can do anything."
A familiar voice soft and light rang in my ears. "No she's not. I can help if she won't. I have nothing against werewolves, only vampires."
I turned to see Jamie standing tired eyed in the doorway to the living room.
'So, she doesn't know what you are?' Destiny asked through a mind link.
'No, she doesn't and if you tell her then I'll have something to say about your little escapade with her brother.'
'What the hell are you talking about Nick?'
'The night you almost killed him. Remember. he was only trying to save your a**! You thinking you could handle a bunch of werewolves by yourself. I'm surprised you made it out alive. Your lucky Jaguar was around to stop everything.'
'What the hell are you saying?'
'O' sure you knocked off a couple, but he killed his own pack members just so you, the one that wanted to kill them in the first place, could live. I think you owe Jaguar the same respect and heal his mother. If not for him you wouldn't be alive today!'
Breaking the mind link she had created I looked at Jamie and replied, "No Jamie, she'll do it. She owes it to them."
"Shut your mouth! Shut your goddamn mouth!"
In our distraction of argument we had forgotten completely of the task at hand. "Someone, please, she's slipping! MOTHER!" Those were the last words I remember coming from Jaguar's lips.
She died in my own living room because someone's pride was more important, to them, than another's life and I, too busy trying to change someone I couldn't, just for the good memories to come back. Jaguar cried and held his mother close to him. He didn't want to let go. She was his last blood relative. Now, all that was left was the fading pack.
Unsuspectingly, Destiny moved to Jaguar's side and wrapped her arms around him. Trying to give him support for the large loss he had suffered. "I'm yours." She whispered into his ear.
My eyes widened as did his. Then she continued, "I'm not much, but I can help you out with your problem if you help me face mine."
He looked into her large red-black eyes and she licked up his tears, kissing him every- so- often on the lips and cheek. I grabbed Jamie and the two of us left the room.
I could hear the moans and growls of his sacred mating ritual. He would perform this in front of his mother's body so she would in some way know that he would be all right. He would turn Destiny as they were mating so that when he was ready to take her completely, mind, body, and soul, she wouldn't get hurt. He also had to perform the ritual with a form of dominance because she had willingly handed herself over to him. She would be in the b***h's dance for sure and if she didn't win she'd be sharing her glory with another woman.
Jamie tensed in my arms as the sound of their desire filled her ears. The fact that she was still a virgin was news to me and I wanted her more for her innocents. I held her to me with a tight grasp and suddenly she pushed away.
"Who do you think you are?" She yelled, pushing me further away.
"Hey you cuddled to me. I was just returning the favor." I said defensively.
"I don't need any favors, thanks!"
"Well, thanks to you too."
Unfortunately, my brother walked in. "What the hell are you two arguing about!?" He asked with a hot temper lacing his shrill words.
"We're arguing! What does it look like?" Jamie hissed.
"Well, do it outside, I'd still like some sleep!" He growled.
With his last words he entered the living room. Just as the door closed behind him I realized what he had done. "No, wait-" I was too late. He had walked in on Destiny and Jaguar.
Just as quickly as he had left in frustration he had entered in embarrassment. "Nick! Why didn't you say something about." He was having trouble finding the proper words. ". That!"
A thin smile played across my lips. "I tried, but you were already gone."
"I'm going back to bed. That was not something to be seen this early in the morning." With that he made his way up the stairs and into the cover of his room.
As he left Kelly walked in. "What the hell is with all the noise? Can't people get some sleep around here?"
I didn't say anything hoping she'd leave like my brother had. After about ten minutes of silence she let out an exasperated sigh and left the room. I wanted to stop her, but I realized I was too late when I heard a shriek come from the living room. She had seen them. In her surprise she too left to her room wanting to forget the images that had flashed before her the moment she stepped into the living room.
There was an irritated voice nagging at the back of my head. 'Next time try to keep the audience in the other room.'
There was a hint of laughter in my reply as I tried not to chuckle. 'I'll try, but sometimes they slip out without even a word as to which direction they left.'
'Well, just so you know, the next person that interrupts my ritual, will be a dead man!'
'Yes master.'
'Don't even start with me!'
'Don't you need to concentrate on the activity at hand instead of yelling at me?'
I waited for an answer, a smile lay across my lips. I didn't receive one at least not one spoken.
I turned to talk to Jamie once again, possibly try and free the locked soul inside, but she was already gone. I hung my head and shuffled up the stairs to my room. My bed welcomed me, I flew myself on it and curled up to sleep. Before I could even close my eyes there was a slight knock on my door.
"Come in!" I groaned.
The door slowly creaked open to reveal Jamie in the doorway. "O' you were sleeping. I'm sorry to bother you. I'll come back later."
I sat up in bed. "No, no, not at all stay, have a seat. What is it you want to talk about?"
She walked taking a seat at the foot of my bed. Jamie didn't even make contact with me, she just sat there looking down at her hands. Then after a few long moments of silence she spoke, "Umm. Last night."
I had no Idea what she was talking about so I urged her on, "Yes."
She took a lengthy sigh and quickly spouted, "What were you doing in my room? Why did you kiss me?"
My eyes widened. Had she been awake for that? I felt my cheeks grow warm. "Umm. I. I."
Before I could begin to explain myself she covered my mouth with her lips. Before I had a chance to deepen it she pulled away. "Don't talk, I don't want any answers now. Just keep your hands to yourself from now on. I'll let you know when I'm ready to let her go."
I was taken aback. Did she know about Abby? I couldn't wait any longer; I needed to know the answer. "Do you know Abby?"
She nodded. "Yes, she talks to me. Every now and then I have enough energy to give her the form of her own body lately though I haven't had much energy to do anything. My powers are weakening. She says that it's all happening because her love for you is stronger than my power to ward off men. She proved it not to long ago by kissing you. If you'd like I can take on her form for you. Just ask and I can do it, but if things go too far I might have to pull her back."
I shook my head. If Abby never tried to contact me when she had her own body I wanted nothing to do with her in Jamie's. I am now beginning to realize how much I wanted an excuse to love someone. Now that I know the truth I can finally see the true light. Abby and I never were meant for each other. It was just a game to her the whole time! I had no part in her life at all. She played with my heart and found her way into my true lover's soul, darkening it and making her eyes only see a man see can never love. This must be her way to try and give me something she herself in life could not.
Jamie looked at me waiting for my answer, but I didn't know how to explain that I wanted her and not Abby. It hurt deep down to say it out loud, but that is how I felt. Abby had hurt me and it actually helped in some way. I had found my true mate and I didn't want to ruin the small relationship we had forged.
"No Jamie, I don't want her. I don't care about her anymore. Years ago she and my friends helped rip out my heart and now it's my turn."