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Blacksnow's Journal Blcksnows Fears and Hopes

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lazy lazy Kimmi
Okay i've been noughty and have not writen in a LONG time...so much has happend...let me recape alittle..

It rocked...I was the asitant leader of the COOLEST, GRATTEST, NEATITS group in the world of FOREVER!! NO JOKE! they never fought....they where really nice to each outher...when there was a chore that needed to be done....THEY DID IT...and...they exsepted me...like...hey let me hang with them...evan though i was younger...i still got to have alot of fun! I also got to go Canooing, i did crafs (a niffty plack wich i gave to Sarah, some CUTE fire crackers and some wonderfull baith salts!) ...i also swam...evan did a speshil swim with the other 5th years...it was speshil...lols...ummm i tought nature to all the years....i helped out in the 4th of july thing...that was interesting...cause that as a day that the famly could come up and visit...so my fam did not, but i WAS adopted by sister.Myers...she was my mama Myers for the day *gleams with happy-ness*. Anyway Joshua told me and told me that he was not going to go! he had no want to go to a camp full of crazy girls...so on wensday i was talking to my mama meyers when i looked out the window and what did i see?!?! Joshua staning and waving at me! it was funny...so i asked him what he was doing there...he said that his famliy had come and he just got into the car....well latter that night (after the movie which was dedicated to imbaressing me ....heh...it was my falt...but...ohh well) i whent to talk to Sister.Larson (Josh's mom) and i asked her how she got him in the car....well....heres when i hurd about what really happed...as soon as he got up that day he got dressed and packed his back pack and was ready to go! Infacked he was bugging his mom and dad to get moveing faster! hehe ...so i guess he missed me alittle too much..lols. Anyway that was girls camp..

I have been waching moveis like non-stop with my friends! I love it!! But i did learn that one should not make ones BF wach a chick flick.....and then not sit next to him....they tend to get a tad testy.....no joke....i saw it happen...he was not a happy camper...cause he hatted the movie to beggen with and theni kinda diched him...so...he was really not happy...like...he let me open my own door (wich he never lets me do..) and he walked me to the door....but did not hook my arm...i was scared...anyway i'm happy to say that this has a happy ending..the next day (after i cryed myself to sleep....) Josh and i where driveing to his house...and he looked over at me (it was pretty quite....and nerve waking) ..anyway he said "Kim...i'm...sorry about last night...i should not have ackted like that...and its unfair to you and the others...." i about died....i told him that i was goign to apoligize and that it was unfair for him to do so befor i did....we both broke out lauphing saying that if we ever got married our fight would be fast...and might evan consit of "NO I WANNTED TO SAY I'M SORRY FIRST!" lols....hey i can dream right?

okay so the Larsons where off at a family reunone in berch bay....so most the fam left...but Josh and his dad came back so that they could go to work. Okay so one thing we know about them is that they dont lock there doors...(if any of you evan think about doing something to them i will kill you!)...so when they where off at work Sam M. and Debi M. whent into there house and stole family and school pics...then they scaned theminto the comp and whent and put the pics back...well...some of the pics did not scan right... so they whent BACK and stoll 3 more...okay so we where trying to scan them...and it was taking SO long that my mom called me...and she told me that Josh had called...wich means one thing....HES BACK FROM WORK AND WE STILL HAVE 3 OF THE PICS THAT ARE ON THE WALLS OF HIS HOUSE AHHH!!! Okay so now was freak out time....Josh was goign to see these pics gone i mean...they where right infrunt of him!! So after we where done scaning...we called Josh...and he knew NOTHING!! thats right...he had no clue that the pics are gone....so we told him that we would be droping off a peace of cake at his house latter (cause it was Debi's b-day and we had to get in there to put the picks back) so we go there...and see TWO cars infrunt of the house...not one...TWO...wich means that now Bro.Larson is home!! Thats TWO larson's to destraked! So we go to the door and nocked....then we sang....we screamed....we tryed every thing we could and no one answered the door...so after 5 mins we just opened the door...and we where like nock nock...helow?? but no one answerd...so we whent into the living room and there was Josh and his dad waching the TV!! they turned and looked at us...and where like " HI!! How are you guys!?!?! Come on in!!" yea...we died from lauphing anyway...i destraked the larsons as debi still died Sam whent off and put the pics up then we mad are hasty excape....it was REALLY funny!! So on thursday Josh and his dad whent back to Berch bay...on friday Debi and i messed with the pics....by messed i mean we gave my BF a molet....and Liz looked SOOOO funny!! then we added our selfs to the Family pic...like we had younger versions of oursefls...and put them in the family pic...printed the pics out of photo papper and put them infrunt of the origonl pic (no we did not damige the other pics in anyway!) so they whent to go swich the pics and something VERy unexspected happend....THEY LOCKED THIER DOORS! YEA....no joke...i died...so we where freeking out! So on sunday (they where back saterday night) when they where at church we whent back and Finaly swiched the pics! At like 5 i had liz and Debi at my door...Bro,Sister.Larson and Liz had found the swiched pics and thought that they where briluant!! hehe nun of the other ppl in the family knows about it! not evan Josh...and i'm about to tell why....

okay....so this last sunday after church Josh whent strait off to EFY...and he was not very happy....AT ALL.....no joke...you could have you head bitten off if you evan menched it to him....he wont be back untill saterday...i will wait for him...its thursday...only a little longer.

5) AUNT!!
on saterday my Aunt came...it was like a suden thing...but still kinda cool...anyway she came and took my room i slept on the floor and it killed my back....and i was on my time...so i was not the...happiest thing on the planet...and my Aunt had desited that i have no caricter...so i was like doing every chore in the house...cause i'm a girl...and i'm not married....yea. Well after she desited that i had anuff things whent smoother and it was nice haveing her there. She left Wensday morning.

Saterday my Aunt came in and it was the dance!! the dance was okay...i really did not dance..but i did do some TOTALY mean swing with ky!! Man we ruled that floor! No joke...like i had her up in the air and spinning her awround...it was so much fun!...Well right after the dance...debi and i called the larson's to see if they where home yet...and they where...so i talked to Josh...and he sounded so dead ....like...unbeliveably so..it was not my johs...it was an imposter with his voice..well e was tired..and mad about EFY...so i'll let it slide for right now.

okay so tomarrow i hope to put on an all Girl movie night!! Any girl thats reading this and wants to hang call me and i'll give you the info! Also on this saterdy i will be at the fair danceing for ppls intertainment! thats right....so sad...but there will be swing so i'm happy! Also that night i will be hangging out with Andy B.!! Wich i have not seen for like MONTHS!!

cool Stupid things i did...
I volenteard to teach the lesson on sunday....it whent okay...
I gave the last of my cash and such so that the tooth fairy could visit my broher...
I ate alot of chocolate! 9darn you time of the month!!)
I started my "time" on friday....the 6th aniversery of my dateing Josh.....who was not evan in town..
I still ahve not hung out with some of my best friends this summer!!
...I agread to wach a very stupid movie...it was dumb!

the end!!


P.S..i'm so going to write about things RIGHT after they happen...so i dont have to do this agen!

It happend....
okay.....yesterday the 27 of June......it happend...awround 4 o'clock......exsacly 5 months sence the bigging......


P.S. ....i have found a new love for "buletproof munk"

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okay YC stared on friday (the 22) and ended the 23. This means that we had to sleep over at the camp. SO as you may have guessed....we had to bring a few things to YC....so i get to YC and we drive down there....and i find out that my caben is called Cloud citty (this whole YC is based off of Star Wars so .....yea) well I grabe some of my team mates and we start tords the caben.....well...20 mins latter we still cant find Cloud citty or our caben....so we are wondering when we FINALY see the sine! "CLOUD CITY" it said....so we wonder that way...and we FINALY see the caben...let me tell you something....the reson they call thows two cabens Cloud City....is cuase its the highest point of the place and cause its like a 10 min walk to the loge and like 5 to the other cabens...so...we draged all of our stuff up there....and died. Latter we whent down to the feiled for some games where i finaly found my lover boy Josh....so we hang out with are friends and then the games started...nothing really important happend there but it was still lots of fun...then we had some classes (all them where SO good!!) then we whent to dinner (NUMMY NUMMY!!) had some free time....then we whent to the star wars theamed dance! wich would have been good but most of my friends where down and out! Like most either had a head ack or just did not feel good....*shakes head* Josh was like....all.....weired....kinda depresed....well Josh waws laying down...and i was sitting alittle away from him atlking to one of my friends who had a headake...when Adam comes up and pretends to kick me in the face then trys to like sit on me....but all he was really doing was thowing his but in my face, so out of insteaks i squeel "JOSH" ....Josh looks over....stands up grabs Adams rists and chucks him down......then he glares at him.....and sits down next to me glareing at adam...at least untill he leaves...then i try talking to him...but he just could not conecentrate....i was really scared...i di dnot know what to do ...i was really clouse to crying (thats right i said it...i almost cryed..). then Josh realizes that i'm worried so he get up a dforces me to dance...we swing danced....wich was losts of fun...and i did feel better after that......i hope Josh did too....i found out that every once in a wile He gets like this...and he told me not to worrie.....but i still do...anyway the dance ended....and Josh Gave me his flashlight so that i can see where i'm going (i did not bring one....) and we started up the trail...bishop WAS with us..but he diched us at the bigging and he sais that he fallowed behind us....but i dont know..lols.... So the next day we got up at like 8 to go to brakefest......then we all cleaned put the cabens and such....then we playd a few more games....saw some more speakers...then whent home...i whish it could have lasted longer....it was ALOT of fun...well...i got home...and at like 8:30 i get this call and its Josh asking if i can come over for a party....so i did....and i did not get back untill like 10....but it was fun...i had alot of fun!


Okay i got sick yesterday ( like not joking....i could barely walk my fever was so bad) and so today i called Josh and he knew that i was sick...so we where just talking and stuff...and i had to go to dinner......so i did.....well latter i was at the comp and i was rubbing my belly.....when theres a knock on the screen door.....and theres Josh....with a can of chicken noodle soup and a movie.....so he cooked the soup ( was not allowed to help) and we watched the movie......wile holding hands...and only slightly leaning on each other........BUT it was undiely cute...man...i feel special......


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Night at the Oscars
Okay so tonight was the night that all the hard work of harsh heal dancing.....manly...the Tango...comes to life! It was the Jazz performance at RALong!! My dance was the like 2nd from the very last so needless to say i had a wile to wait! This day started out pretty good.....got up took a shower....got ready...went to practice ....all went well...went home...and slept! ahh...life was GOOD...then mommy woke me up and told me that she was leaving to go get my nilons for my dance and that she would be right back....so being the good girl that i am...i go back to sleep...then the phone rings...and its right next to my head cause mommy put there so i would hear it...well it was Josh...so we talked awhile...nothing really important. So 2 hours pass and I'm at RALong...and I'm nervous...the nylons that my mom got make my feel slippery and there sliding out of the shoe, so i did not have good balance and...well...thats bad! Anyway the show starts and some of the dancers decide to sit on the balcony in the very back....well i have to clime over ky to get to my seat....and i heal my self in the thigh.....and it rips my nylons...crap....so now i have a rip in them from high thigh to my ANKLE!!...bad very bad...Josh's GRAND PARENTS are there.......and i have a rip up and down my freaken leg!...so...at intermission (thats right...i did not even last half the show before i do something stupid) Josh and i told his mom..and she finds me another pair! (i'm saved!!) so the Josh and his swing two partner practiced this really hard move....and she kicked him in a spot....and i felt bad...but it was SOOO FUNNY!! Josh took it very well....stood up straight....just walked a little bit! Okay...now its time....to TANGO!! and i tangoed.....the thing that TOTALLY helped keep me from not completely dieing ids that Josh kept cracking jokes thew out the whole thing!! I COULD NOT KEEP A FREAKEN STRAIT FACE!! It was really funny! so it ended and all went well....but...after the whole thing was done..well it was on....and by on..i mean...RUN FOR YOUR LIFES!!! Because if you don't...you WILL be marked! Now..I'm sure your wondering WHAT Marking it...its the way everyone gets rid of there lip stick...by kissing other ppl on the cheek/hand...well...basically ANYTHING they can get to..so a dashed into the girls dressing room cuase Josh was close behind me and i had Sarah distracted him as i jump up be hind him and got him square on the cheek....then i ran very fast!! BUuuuuuuuuuttt he grabbed my shoes....and pulled me back ...and behold...i was marked....right on the jaw bone on my right cheek...*hangs head*......BUT AT LEAST I GOT HIM FIRST!! MAHAHAHAHHA.....so now...i feel very strange.....and..bubbly...and.....i am going to now go to bed....good night!

the very tierd one

Well I'm in a very good mood! i don't know why....but every thing seems like its right where its supposed to be...like...every thing is flowing and fitting in the place it needs to be...you get what i mean?? I don't get it....but life seems so exciting and thrilling....i cant wait to hit off and run to my jobs an my husband (who ever he may be) ....to see my kids.....to get old with my family.....to have fun...to cry..its all bundled up in my chest and i don't know how to....contain it.....lols....some day i will laugh at this post thinking "man i was stupid!"...but for right now..it feels right!

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Okay so its Thursday and Josh and i get to talking about this weekend......and we thought that it would be cool if Josh just picked me up after school and then we could go to my house and watch "whats up dock". He calls me latter that night and he had talked to his parents and his dad was like " talk to your mom " but his mom was " haven't you been spending enough time with her?"....so i thought it was a no go....BUT after school i get to my locker and there was Josh...waiting for me....i guess his mom was okay with it after all. So we hang out at my school a little bit then we head over to my house and watch the movie....but we end up having like 2 hours to spare ( he had to go to the studio so that he could mop floors). So we also watch "castle in the sky" which is a total romance movie....on my bed....i would like to point out that my little brother was there and Grama was in ear distance...ANYWAY that was pretty awesome.....i ended up going with his to the studio and kept him company wile he worked ( i would like to point out that he would not LET me help him.....at all....he wanted to do it...) then on Saturday at like...6:30 Josh picks me up and we go to his house and wache's "pirates of Penzance" in which i giggled a lot!! it is an awesome movie! Then we watched "got a step it up" but only got like half way thew cause it was 10:00 and Josh's dad wanted me out of the house by then ( his parents had left with his older sister so they did not want me over there too late with out them there). But it was still fun....my mom called him my boyfriend....i gots to hold his hand most of the time thew the movies....i had fun!


so i was at play and Josh was there helping me with my lines ( that is untill he started to fall asleep on my sholder) when the cast desided to start working on the play ( the director was off fixing outfits) when we had just hit the middle of akt 1 when the director comes in and tells us that the play is going to be canceled!!!! for more then one resons as i found out today ( i talked to her after school). but the main one was becuase the main person was haveing problems...so...as i'm sure youcould have guessed...I WAS TICKED!! countless hours worked on lines! Hours at play! no YW for over a month!!! No survire OR danceing with the stars!! yea...i was not happy...so...i started walking back and forth cause i knew that as soon as i sat down i would start to cry. Well Josh had woken up by then and realized what had happend....and just like a good boy that he is ( man...i wonder how i ever snaged him) he got up and started trying to calm me down ( i was bad...talking VERY fast.....not really lisoning to anything...very stiff....yea) like he tryed to get me to sit down and just breath but i could not get my self to stay still!!! so he walked with me so that i would not have to do it alown. Kept telling me that it was all okay and that there will be other plays....but like no matter what he did...i still could not sit down .....so i whent out side and screamed ( did i menchen HOW mad i was about this...yes...it made me feel better though cuase Sam M. was also REALLY mad about it all...) after i screamed i hugged Josh cause i did not know what else to do...and he kissed me on the check and then told me that it will be alright and that if i needed to cry that i should and not worrie about what ppl thought of me.....it was very cute...and nice.....so i whent home ( after drinking a chocolate ice cream shake...numm 4laugh ) and whent to bed! WEEE SLEEp...i get up in the morning and in comes Josh he hands me two peces of papper. I open them and he had stayed up extra late wrighting me a poem about how my pain hurts him too....and that i can count on him if i ever need to...that was deathly cute.....so that all happend in less then 24 hours....all the good and the bad....


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Okay so today is the day AFTER gold and green....and....IT FREAKEN ROCKED!!! I danced with Josh most the time ( ky was like the only exseption)....we Slow danced, Swing danced ( Josh swing danced with his mom ((parents where alowd to go to this dance....mine did not go )) and it was SOOOO HOT!!.....errmm...yes) Tangoed and Walzed!!!! It was SOOO much fun!! then i saw Katie and Sam danceing some of the dances too ...so...i guess the ball room classes are really takeing afect on us alll.....creepy...anyway i'm alittle worried cuase my best friend got dumped by her husband to be.......and thats just not cool...........and JC has been really sick so she had to leave early......that sucked.....and then thte whole Alee adam thing wich i'm not getting into.....at all!!......but i lloved the dance.....almost got my first Kiss....thats right i said it......but thats another story.

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