||I have been captured like a young child who fearfully clings to my right hand in the darkness.||
{{ I kinda wanna stop coming here, since Gaia kinda sucks now.
I was disappointed with the V-Day thing. Photo's of the NPC that we can put in our signature? Dude, only one person has to do the Valentine thing and show off all their photos, then their friends can leech off 'em, and soon all of Gaia will have those photos.
Why couldn't them give us actual items? Well, Gaia did give us the lolipop and skin, but that's just two and those aren't even that good.
The lingerie was cool, but most of us don't want to spend $3 on pixels.
Which brings me to another point to why Gaia sucks....
The cash shop; it's updated more than any other shop on Gaia. Seriously, why can't we get the GGold stored updated more often and instead of when a holiday comes around? And most of the Gaia population buys from those stores!
I hate it a lot. When I first came here in '06, I thought Gaia was so cool. Now, I think it's crap.
I could go on with my hate rant, but that could lead it illiteracy and lots of contradiction, so I won't. }}