Item List:
Black Goth Skirt
Black Tie
Canary Yellow Pimpin' Hat
Card Shark Bands
Chyaku Norisu Scarf
Clot Glamrock Headband
Clown Nose
Crimson Red Pimpin' Cane
Daisy's Sunny Gloves
Dark Cape
Dark Halo
Gold Hoop Earrings
Gold Pocket Watch
Gold Promise Ring
Mustard Ruffled Top
Nitemare Claws
Prisoner's Ball and Chain
Raptor Wind Boots
Red Leather Belt
Roco Rochel Costume Bracelet
Romani Glasses
Rouge Hot Pants
That Red 90s Vest
The Mole
Estimated Total: 215,778 Gold, 12,000 Tickets
(Estimated with known item values on 25 March 2007)