Item List:
Anti-Fashion Blue Anti-Accessory
Anti-Fashion Blue-Lilac Head Wrap
Asphalt Plaid Ska Pants
Blue Glamrock Jean Skirt
Card Shark Bands
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Dark Halo
Dark Star
Elegant Blue Gloves
Elven Ears
Gold Promise Ring
Gray Torque Top
Large Silver Buckle Belt
Nitemare Claws
Romani Glasses
The Mole
Thick Blue Winter Socks
Tide Glamrock Headband
Were Tail
Witch Shoes
Estimated Total: 231,894 Gold, 12,000 Tickets
(Estimated with known item values on 01 March 2007)
*Items Remaining as of 3/1/07 8:18 P.M*
Item List:
Anti-Fashion Blue-Lilac Head Wrap
Asphalt Plaid Ska Pants
Blue Glamrock Jean Skirt
Dark Halo
Gray Torque Top
Thick Blue Winter Socks
Were Tail
Estimated Total: 86,111 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 01 March 2007)