Dear Diary,
Well to start off the morning I was fairly late getting up, had some rice
krispies, and headed off for school with my good friend, a Mr. Matthew
Fish. Anyway, I was on time, thank God, and Biology went over fairly
well. Did two labs with great rapidity, one on natural selection, and one
on common ancestry. I really do believe in evolution after having this
new learning conveyed to me. I imagine the rest of the Knights might find
this weird, but I think science has an excellent place in the church if
they'd give it a chance. Afterwards I went to the old therapy group. For
those who don't know me, I was locked into this group because of a
clever T-shirt I once wore. Still, I don't argue with it, it gives me an
excellent opportunity to study human nature. Also a situation has been
building between me, and another group member, a Mr. John Martinez.
Since he chose to threaten a close friend of mine, my English teacher Mr.
Pap, I have proclaimed a vendetta against him. Well he was a regular
b*****d as usual, clear proof that marijuana may not be chemically
addictive, but it still destroys the mind. After that depressing situation I
was uplifted because I got to go to Japanese class. Practised where I was
going and how I would get there, but my conversation partner could not
focus, and I felt that was rather unfortunate since he needed to be
studying, judging from his complaints on how he was doing. Math was
uneventful as always, slept and read more of Count of Monet Cristo.
Usual day in Math. Today's GSA meeting during lunch was extremely
eventful! We have decided to dipose that joke of a president. Imagine
its the Gay AND Straight ALLIANCE, and its president was a bigot against
straight people. Anyway since she has almost lead us to ruin we
overturned her. We are now going to establish a senate, and I do hope I
am elected to it, even though it may interfere with my being head of the
WPU branch here at Marina. P.E. was simply marvelous, especially after
downing two excellent soft tacos and a Dr. Pepper. Pickleball, a
gentleman's sport, and finally I got to have my day. Since my solo days
a year ago I took on a prodigee', but he is getting nowhere fast, but I am
patient. However since a friend of mine didn't show up today I paired
Chase, my student, off with my friend, Josiah's, partner. Now that I was
solo again I wept the floor of the court with all comers. I'm not an
arrogant man, but it felt so good to dominate at a sport, since I'm not
much of a sportsman. English encompased more Count of Monte Cristo,
and I left early. I spent my afternoon with my fiancee', and a couple of
our friends. It was a Mr. Miele, a Mr. Howe, and his romantic ineterest a
Ms. Scott. We had a smashing good time which boiled down to a romp
which I will not go into detail about because it would be unseemly of me
to. I drove my finacee' to her home, and then came home. I spent some
time with Mr. Fish, teaching him HTML, and then we went over for awhile, until he had to go home. Some of the urban
legends we had read he was afraid to go alone, but I insisted he did, as it
would build character. Afterwards me and my mother went out for a bite
to eat then spent about two hours in the car listening to comedians on a
CD I'd just burned. Since then I just went on to respond to some people
who had opposed some of my opinions on the Gaia forums, and I may go
play FFXI now, if not Ill just sleep.
Holy Knight Yoshimitsu
aka Raven
aka Cubix Rube
aka Karanamae
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