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A Fallen Angels Log
This is my journal, it is a little messy, I know ;). I have some song lyrics sometimes and other times it is how my day went.
Triad (Feb 2007)
~Triad Guild
~ Triad Forum

The Triad is a team event role-play. Originally Rain joined to be the third member of Jericho and Dahlgren's team. It didnt work out that way. Dahlgren didnt get his bio in on time and Jericho didnt show up. Trei, another entrant, met up with Rain and they made up a two-person team. The event consisted of each member starting out with a marble, the marble had powers and its appearance on Gaia was a mystery. The marble would be equipped and the entrant would go searching for more marbles and equipment. Near the end pieces of Gaia started to vanish... If you are interested feel free to rummage around, more specifically Rain and Trei stayed on the island of Gambino... before appearing in the battle arena in Barton to end it.

Bio I entered:
Ballad_Of_Fallen_Angels Bio
Username: Ballad_Of_Fallen_Angels

Name: Currently known as Rain

Allies: Jericho Meyors (Miraix), Dahlgren Banestead (Shessio)

Attack : Defense Ratio: 5 to 5; Over all Rain tends to be more of a tactical thinker, (thinking of both sides of the battle, not just one). But at the same time she has the skills and firepower to equal her tactical side.

Description: Rain is in her twenties. Not even knowing her real age, she passes off as around twenty-seven. Having long dark silver hair she easily stands out in a crowd, especially when the sun shines. In the slight chance that Rain lets it flow down from her bun, it would cascade over her shoulders and end with long broad curls. Having attention drawn to her was one of those things she despised, and her hair wasn’t helping. That being said, most of the time Rain chooses to keep it pulled back into a semi bun at the back of her head, letting the loose strands stick out as they wanted. Beauty wasn’t one of the top priorities on her list, and Rain didn’t mind if the loose ends stuck out or not, just as long as they stayed out of her eyes when she needed to see or fight. Her choice of clothing always revolved around the color blue, I guess some would call it an obsession. Usually when people see her she has on a thick rain resistant dark blue coat. The jacket is a quarter inch thick, providing warmth and protection from most elements. It has a thin layer of polished cotton lining with the outer most material being a flexible fake rainproof material. From all of the use that it gets, it dosent work as well as it should to keep out water. But for memories sake she never went out and bought a new one. The neck of the coat circles around the lower part of her face, concealing her mouth when she needed. From that the coat covered her arms down to her ankles; it was especially good for keeping a low profile. The only exception was where the coat came together in the front, this she chooses to leave open most of the time. What was visible through the gap in the front was a glimpse at her short-sleeved v-neck tank top. It was of sheer white fabric and shown brightly against her deep blue pants. The coat was slightly larger at the bottom then needed and drifted around her ankles. When the wind blows, it causes the end to flutter behind her, or even around her. Overall the coat makes up a majority of her outfit, for more then just warmth, it also concealed her gun.

Quirks: Always in the rain she decided to make it her home. Its odd how after a certain amount of exposure to one element can make you become numb to it. That’s how it is for Rain. “Life in a muddy river isn’t that bad, after it ends for the first time”. Being alone for the grater part of her life Rain tends to think for herself, believing everyone is there for themselves, and if there is something you want you should stand up and get it. Against her own wishes her nature of being compassionate to those who have intertwined themselves in her life tends to betray her belief. At times she would even have the feeling to put herself in harms way for another, even willing to put her life at stake. The downfall to this is the fact that people can turn around and stab you in the back in a moments notice. Rain, herself, being stabbed numerous times in the back, yet she never stops. Being emotionally aloof she tends to try to stay to herself, especially around strangers or people she doesn’t know too well. But contrary to that, once she knows someone she tends to open up and even share a few laughs here and there. Living by ones self tends to allow one to pick up a few bad habits, luckily Rain dosent have too many. But, like many people she could never turn down a nice glass of alcohol after a hard day. Since she is always scavenging for money she tends to only drink until she is satisfied, not drunk. To help get over a hard day she can also sometimes be found with a cigarette in her mouth. Oddly enough she isn’t one to be addicted to such a rare pleasure. Especially since they have the tendency to destroy your insides. While Rain was younger she learned to do what many still cant, build a shell and ignore the feelings of anger that she obtained from people. This shell gave her a trait that causes curiosity from people, silence. If not spoken to Rain could go for weeks on end without saying a single word. Many thought she was cold, but in truth she was just protecting herself.

Equipment: A blue tinted handgun (Jericho 941) with the word ‘Rain’ carved cursively into the side. As important as the actual gun, it will not function without ammunition. Inside of Rain’s jacket she carries many ammunition clips. Each clip holds eight jacketed lead bullets. In jacketed lead bullets, the core of the bullet is made of a lead center with a thin outer shell of copper. Since copper has a higher melting point then lead it helps insure that the bullet hits the target intact. This also insures that the weight of the lead is to its fullest when it hits. Overall Rain’s gun is light, for easy handling and maneuvering. The gun has a short delay over normal Jericho 941s, the main cause being that the barrel was heated and partially melted during an early meeting between her and Dahlgren. Shortly there after Jericho, the newly found team member, volunteered to give a shot at fixing it, and salvaging had left its scar. But for its short delay it has an advantage in power behind every shot over its counterparts.

Abilities: Every since her older teens she had one talent, and that was her ability with a gun. When she fired her first shot it felt as if she had been using a gun for years. After a little training Rain became an excellent shot, having a steady and accurate aim was always helpful in catching bounties. That was unless you liked cleaning up the after math. While in Paris, Rain spent nine months training underground. During that time she increased her senses, learning to listen and study her surroundings. Like stated earlier Rain is a very tactical thinker. In her mind each move she makes in turn affects the battle, from the slightest flinch of surprise to running to the next pillar for cover. This influences her to analyze her movements and thoughts in the matter of a few seconds. As a team Rain, Jericho, and Dahlgren couldn’t be more different. With a fire mage, and two gunners they make quite the odd team. The only similarity that could be drawn is that Rain and Jericho are both are trigger-happy gun toters. But even then their state of mind and tactics are different. Since the teams ever so recent meeting they have no special team attacks planed, just shoot and not be shot.

History: She was even born alone. No one can truly say that they remember their first breath through their last. Rain was no different. She remembered her early years, but anyone with a bad past would want to forget it. Not being able to forget she chose the second best thing, staying away from it. The years that she chose to remember, or at least couldn’t block out, stayed with her. And other memories stayed at the back of her mind. But like most things you cant hide form your past forever.

When Rain opened her eyes to the world for the first time she was greeted with a threatening sky. Rain was born in a quiet city in Europe. Her parents, being unable to care for her, laid her down at the cities orphanage. Like most kids she had a hard time fitting in. She enjoyed just sitting alone, and most of the time she found her self-alone, thinking. The caretakers there thought it was just a phase that she would soon grow out of. They were wrong. Each week new people would come looking for a child. Rain would just sit there in the corner, while the others would run around getting adopted. She had no desire to be adopted; nowhere could be truly called her home from now on. As years went by a hard fact hit her, the only way out of here was to either get adopted or wait until turning eighteen. Immediately she put on a mask of joy, and began running with the other children. It didn’t take long for an older woman to come in and decide she wanted the silver haired Rain.

After spending five years studying in the elder woman’s mansion Rain knew she had to be around the age of eighteen. Rain began to grab her belongings that she had acquired from her time there. Right before leaving that night she went into the woman’s room and took one piece of metal, a handgun. She headed into a near by city with her bag and concealed firearm. Having her stomach grumbling at her, she hurried into a mini mart that greeted visitors on their way in to town. Grabbing some chips Rain waited in the line. After a few minutes a man came running in, gun drawn and shoved it towards the cashiers face, “Load it up” he shouted tossing a bag to the cashier. He turned the gun to the customers waiting in line and shouted, “Put your hands where I can see them and no one gets hurt… don’t you dare try anything” Rain had been third to last in the line to the cashier, she stood for a few seconds before sighing and murmuring something. “Hush unless you want to get us all killed.” The man in front of her whispered over his shoulder, “Unlikely” Rain commented before being nudged by the woman behind her, “Do you know who that is?!” the woman whispered fiercely, “Vincent Mahjo, wanted for holding up stores all over the country. He has a huge bounty on his head” the woman continued before being cut off by the robber, “Done chatting are we?” he yelled toward the back of the line and pointed his gun at the woman’s head and began to move his finger to pull the trigger, but Rain was much faster. In an instant her hand flew into her bag and ripped out her gun, firing three times. The first bullet caught him in the right shoulder, causing him to fire upward instead at the woman. The second shot missed and hit a stand behind him, the third hitting his abdomen. The man fell backwards on to the floor, writhing in pain. Rain stood in semi shock; she had never fired a gun before. But it came so natural to her, like she had used a gun her whole life. It didn’t take long for the cops to show. They rushed in through the door, guns drawn. Three of them quickly bent over the now passed out robber. “What the [********] happened?” one cop looked up toward the customers, usually it was the people riddled with holes, not the robber. All of the customers turned and pointed towards Rain. The cops all turned their heads to the tall silver haired female, “Who the hell are you?” Rain picked through her thoughts, “I’m a bounty hunter…” she hesitated a little but then continued, “This man has a bounty, does he not?” Rain slid her gun back into her bag, she had heard about bounty hunters, and heck she was close to being one. The policeman directed her to the city hall to collect her pay. With the new found money and profession she moved to another town. After a few bad shots while trying to snag a bounty she realized that she had to become better at her aim and at firearms in general. Traveling southern she passed into France and continued to the capital, Paris.

It didn’t take long for the rumors of a certain assassin by the name of Noir to reach her ears; this was Paris after all. In her search to be better she found herself in the not so glamorous Paris underground. She wandered endlessly through the underground network of tunnels and waterways for days. After a few wrong turns she couldn’t find her way back out, but she knew if she stopped she’d never find anything. Soon the boundary that separated fact and fiction vanished for her. Her state of being, just walking there in the shadowy underground turned, to that of a bad dream she was stuck in. While walking down one passage a sharp whoosh followed by the clink of empty metal bouncing off the cold ground met her ears. A normal person would look into the noise from curiosity, but Rain was the farthest thing from curious. She found her feet moving toward the sound, this was most likely another effect from this dream she was stuck in. Rounding the corner to another passage she met the soft glow of a flashlight on the damp wall. The whoosh continued, so did the clink. Her eyes adjusted to the light and she saw a woman firing a gun at the wall, target practice. Rain stood silently just watching the woman’s perfect aim. Suddenly the woman turned and pointed the gun toward Rain’s head. Rain just stood there, maybe this was the only way out of this hellish dream she was stuck in. “What do you want…” the woman asked coldly. “Teach me” this was the whole reason why she had entered the underground in the first place. So what if it wasn’t Noir, this woman had a wonderful aim, she would do. Smirking the woman replied with a harsh, “No.” and began to walk away. Rain made a move to follow but was quickly greeted by a bullet. It passed by her cheek before clinking on the ground behind her, leaving a slice on her cheek where it had skimmed by. Blood slowly began to ooze down her face as she took another step forward. The woman with the gun smirked and fired again, this time the bullet slicing Rain’s arm. “What’s your name?” the woman asked, satisfied with Rain’s reaction. “Truth to be told, I do not have one… though some people know me as Ballad or Rain…” The woman stood silently for a few moments before once again speaking, “You’re either brave or foolish to come down here to where I practice…my name is Mireille, how may I help you?” From there Mireille took Rain under her wing and taught her what she knew about firearms.

After nine months of target practice and such Rain became just as good as Mireille at aiming and strategy. Both of them knew there was only room for one of them in Paris, and the idea of having a bounty hunter and an assassin work together wasn’t going to work out. On the last day of the month Mireille told Rain that she could no longer teach her, seeing how there was no more to be taught. Coincidentally Rain was thinking of moving on, being in the same place for a prolonged time was not something that Rain was fond of. Not saying goodbye she left the following day. It was time to leave the past behind her and greet the possible future.

From Paris Rain traveled northern, stopping by town after town. Some nights she didn’t sleep. When needed she would stop at a tavern or inn to spend the night. Ever once and a while she would stop by a café once or twice during the day. Not having a set path she followed bounties. Eventually she hit a place that was reminiscent to London. This time she had her sights on a huge bounty, being tired from all of the small fries. The job was to bring in a rogue who traded his allegiance to those who offered more pay; the reward for this traitor was almost unreal. Rain crept into the warehouse where his main base was hidden. Rain snuck into the dark warehouse, sliding in between crates. It was too quiet, that’s when she noticed it was a trap. Turning quickly back towards the door bullets flew from in between the crates and a sharp stinging pain hit her shoulder. The pain seeped into her mind and the world began to turn cloudy. Losing conciseness every second Rain stumbled backwards behind a crate, trying to get some cover. Shaking she lifted her gun and shot where the bullets had originated from, the only problem was that she was surrounded, and then the clouds took over. It all went black for Rain as she passed out.

Awakening, Rain found herself in a twin-sized bed. She tried to reach for her gun from her coat, but moving her right arm sent bolts of pain to her head. Rains body had taken four bullets; one in the right shoulder, another on the side of her abdomen, the next hitting her left thigh, and the last hitting her left forearm. “Glad to see you’re gonna make it,” the supple voice was from a stranger. He stood up from his seat across the room. “What happ-” Rain groaned before the pain caught up with her, she felt like hell. “Took four bullets like a trooper.” Rain then remembered the night, two nights before. This stranger had been there when the shots where fired, “You” she struggled against the sheets. The man had been one of the men who shot at her, his bullet was the one that hit her right shoulder. The man, later known as Ekips, told Rain how the trap wasn’t for her. Shortly after she had lost consciousness, lying on the floor in her own pool of blood, the real target appeared. His syndicate left thereafter, leaving her bleeding on the concrete. Of his own choice Ekips stayed behind and carried her to his apartment in the dark. There he bound her wounds. Rain, not fit for traveling the way she was, stayed at his apartment to heal. After being free from having to lie in bed all day she spent most of her time with him. Soon she found herself feeling miserable when he was not around, she didn’t know, but she was in love. Ekips in return loved her too, ever since the night at the warehouse. For once Rain had finally filled the void that was in her chest. The only problem is that Ekips was part of a syndicate, one that didn’t value the heart.

“I will get out” he spoke. “That’s not what scares me, it is if you will get out alive” Rain whispered as she sat at the edge of the bed. “Tomorrow, in the alley let’s meet and run away together. Then we can be free,” the last words came as a whisper as he left the room, the door sliding shut. The morning after it began to rain. Putting on her blue coat she walked out into the rain, letting the cold drops hit her face, not knowing that the night before he had left to complete a mission for the syndicate. She trudged through a puddle, letting the water soak into her boots. Rain walked down the alley that he had spoken of, the only problem was that he wasn’t there. All that greeted her was a single rose lying in a puddle. His words floated through her mind. Ekips wasn’t coming; chances were by now he was dead. The mission that he had been sent on after leaving the apartment was one that you didn’t come back from alive. Picking up the rose her tears mixed with the drops of rain that had strayed on her face, “I always felt alone…” she whispered to the falling water, “Until I met him…” Gripping the rose the thorns dug into her flesh. Blood began to seep through her enclosed fingers, but she didn’t let go. The blood dripped into a puddle, creating a slight maroon color as the two tried to mix. After some time the pain numbed and she finally let the rose glide from her fingers into the puddle. She walked away, in the rain.

After her loss she no longer paid attention to where she was heading, nowhere would greet her with the happiness that she had found with him. Eventually she traveled by train to the city of Aekea. The gloomy city greeted her with the buzz of machines and the rush of workers. The cities smoke and shades of gray seemed to fit her life style perfectly; if one tried they could almost disappear into the smoke. This was the type of city that Rain dreamed of; the only problem was the lack of work and jobs for a bounty hunter. The smog was thick and seemed to choke the plant life that resided in the town. After a few days she decided that this place had no work for her, she headed northeastern to a busy town called ‘Barton’. Barton town was filled with shops, restaurants, houses, and jobs galore. Rain slid down the main street, seeing all different races, from samurai to demons to just the regular humans. At first she was surprised and found her eyes straying on the others. But soon she passed it off; to them she probably looked just as odd. Wandering around the town she found a giant stone structure, the arena. Fighters emerged from the giant coliseum. The reward for the fights were high, Rain took a flyer and continued down the road, looking for jobs. After a hard day trying to find some work, she passed down a road filled with cafes, inns and restaurants. Rain continued her way down the road until one place caught her eye, “The Black Cat Café”. The name sounded good enough, she pushed open the door, that’s when she met Jericho and Dahlgren, and a proposition she couldn’t turn down.

RP Sample:

Black Cat Cafe

A Spar With Jericho

Fallen Angels (A Cowboy Bebop Roleplay)

The Ending of Triad:
After giving the marble to Trei she walked over to the arena’s stairs. She waited for Trei to put the marble in and catch up; with the marble in he would feel a great bit stronger, his wounds becoming less of a pain.

Rain leaned backwards and took a seat on the steps. Nothing was damaged that couldn’t be healed. Her eyes staring at the sky, somehow she knew that a battle was going on. It could be just called a hunch, but by some means the marble that was on her arm linked her and Trei with the others. When she closed her eyes for a second she could almost see the others fighting for Gaia. It was up to the other marble bearers to finish it, and she had no doubt that they would. Trei and Rain were off the hook, they had seen their fair of combat and were more then satisfied. Sitting there Rain was truly content. “Sometimes when you fall, you fly” she smiled as she spoke, her words weren’t just about falling in general, to some that is how it would seem to them, but for Rain it had a deeper meaning. When she had ‘fallen’, at what time her marble had vanished, she met Trei and ‘flew’... It had started a team and an everlasting friendship. For all the days that Rain would travel no matter where she was she would always remember what had happened that day. She didn’t care if her name wasn’t written down as one who had saved Gaia, and from what she knew Trei didn’t either. The only thing that mattered was that they were part of something that was much bigger, a new era of Gaia’s legacy.

(( Thank you all for a wonderful time and experience))

(( Rain Logs Out ))

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