Hehehehe FAT KITTIES!!!! oh lol o.O Im gonna eat some honey nut cheerios!
OHMEHGAWD. I'M OUT OF CHEERIOS! OH NOES OH NOES! NEED SOME NEED SOME! *kidnaps mom* DRIVE! *mom steps on pedal sleepily* OHSHIT! ...well this plan didn't work out... We hit a tree... -_-
lol *alyssa pops up from no where* Here!!! You can have mine
YAYZERS! (Dude i knew this was going to be a story) *opens up box of cheerios and stuffs them in her mouth* then justine find a bug in the box... OH NOES! WHAT EVER WILL WE DO?
lol you started it EEK!!! *alyssa jumps up a tree and Justine screams as loud as she can* (bug) For cryin' out loud! All I wanted was to taste the sweet cheerios everyone talks about! I have never eaten one! *sniff sniff* (Alyssa) B-b-b-b-bug.....!
(is that necesarily a bad thing?) For cheerios for you! *I run for a stick* (alyssa) JUSTINE! YOU CAN'T GET THE BUG OUT THAT WAY! (justine)i wanna see you try then! (alyssa) Errr... fine i will! *Alyssa lurks over to the box, an dpicks up the stick* (alyssa) i-i-i-I CAN'T DO IT! D: *alyssa hangs upsidown from a tree* (justine) WTF?! I THOUGHT YOU HATED NARUTO! And why are you in gaara cosplay?! (alyssa) *falls from tree* WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! OHMEHGAWD! *rips costume off*
(Alyssa) What the hecklemumps? (Justine) Hecklemumps....? (Alyssa) Tch, I'm a better ninja than they could ever be! I'd kick their a** crazy ninja style! *Bug turns into Naruto* (Naruto says in his really annoying squeaky girl voice) Ok then, we'll see! *kicks him in the balls* (Naruto) HAHAHAHAHA!! I have NONE!!! (Justine)What the frick? *chews on the stick*
*stick turns into pocky* (justine) YAY!.. hold on.. I KNEW IT WAS TRUE! No balls! (Alyssa) *alyssa's face turns red, then falls onto floor bursting into laughter* (justine) D: (Naru-tard) I'm WAIIIIIIITTTTIIINNNGGG!!! (bug) STFU BEOTCH! (naru-tard) HOW DID YOU FIND ME?! (bug) i have my ways. *bugs takes out teeny pocket knife, and puts it up to Naruto's neck* (Kairi) KAIRI TO THE RESCUE! *Alyssa set katana on the floor, where kairi's headed* (alyssa whispers to self) hehehe (Kairi) JEZUS F***ING CHRIST! *everyone looks down to see kairi's feet cut off.* (alyssa) .... ninja strikes again... (Justine)OHMEHGOIDNESS! *faints from pixelated blood*
WAIT HOLD ON! WHY IS IT PIXELATED?! The world may never know...
lol (Alyssa) *laughs crazily* SNORT SNORT *Fans Justine* Wake up STEEN!!! (Justine) *gurgle* (Naturo) I can do better! See? *holds up Justine's chips* (Alyssa) OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!!! *Flys around like a speeding bullet with katana* (Naturo) Ha, you're not even good with your bla-.... *His body crumbles into lumps of body* *Justine faints again* *Alyssa stands mighty and proud* (Alyssa) No one can EVER be a better ninja than me! (Bug) ...Can I have her feet? (Alyssa) Sure you can! 5 bucks a piece. >_< (Kairi) HEY!!! (Bug) Deal! (Justine) Wha..? Wha'd I miss?
(kairi) *crals to bug* c-c-c-can i please have my feet back? *alyssa throws a box of bandaids at kairi's head* (kairi) OW! WTF- (Justine) that was totally awesome! i mean seriously dooooooddeeee!!! *does nelson laugh at narutards slashed up body* HA HA! (Alyssa) Uhhh errr *runs off with bugs money* -All of a sudden goofy and sora come out of no where- (justine) OH HI GOOFY! seems you got yer head back on! *smack smack slobber slobber* O__________O (alyssa) OHMEHGAWD! D: (justine) OHMEHGAWD I TOLD YOU!!!! *Goofy and sora keep frenching each other* (justine) hehehehe. *Narutard comes back to life* (Justine) OH FLIPPIN HELL! *Justine chucks natasha at naruto* (natasha) OH-OH-OH-OHMEH-OHMEHGAWD NO WAI!!!! *Natasha faints* (justine) well that was my only plan, you got any other ways to get rid of him?
(Alyssa) Oprah can!!! *whips out cellphone* (Justine) Hey wait a minute! You don't have a cellphone! o.O (Alyssa).......Well FINE THEN!!! I'm using YOURS! *beep boop boop beep* *Oprah appears* (Oprah) I WILL GRANT YOU THREE WISHES. (Justine) oooooooooooooo!!!! o.O I want teh wishes >_< (Alyssa) Ok first one...I want Sora and Goofy to be straight not gay for each other!!! *POOF* (Sora) BOOBIES!!! (Goofy) EGGNOG!!! (Alyssa) ok second wish...I wish Naturdo was Justine's slave and has to do everything she tells him ^_^ *POOF* (Naturdo) NOOOOOOOO! (Oprah) Last wish? (Alyssa) I want to set you FREE!!! o.O (Oprah) YAY!!! Now I can spread joy to the world by eating all the Fast food I want!!
(justine) NOOOO DON'T SET HER FREEEE!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (Oprah) MUHAHAHA! Me? NOoo! i'm not oprah! i'm Ronald McDonald! we don't have good service anymore, sfter we told the kids that we had all white meat chicken... they all realized they weren't eating white meat in the first place! D: (justine) HEY NARUTARD! (naruto) thats not my name... .-_.- (justine) my meh dogs butt . (naruto) I DUN WANNA! (justine) OOOHHH OPRAH! *The real oprah pops up* OPRAH!... OPRAH!?!?!?!? Why are you injecting that into your arm?! (justine) Aww i knew it! i knew their was somthing ot keep you happy! So is that where you money goes to? your "meth money?" D:
*screams* (Alyssa) I HATE RONALD MCDONALD!!! *cries* (R.McDonald) HUCK YUCK!!! Have some SAGGY CHICKEN BREASTS!!!! (Alyssa) Noooooo! *kicks him in the shin and jumps up a tree again* (Oprah) OH YUM YUM!!! *gobble gobble* May I have a hamburger that hasn't been touched for 9 years? (R.McDonald) Why sure!! *hands her the hambuger* *CHOMP CHOMP* (Justine) EEEEEEEEEEEEW! Thats like hard as a rock! (Alyssa) Bleh!!! McDonald should be named Fatty Mc.FATFAT! (Sora) Mcdonalds? Whats that?
(justine) YOUR MOTHA. (Sora) Eeek! i dun like it!! (Oprah) *steps on scale* OH YAY! I'm only 482 pounds! (Alyssa) hoshit. thats alot. (Ronald Mc fat yourmom.) I HAVE GOTTEN A NAME CHANGE! YO MOTHA! (Jusitne) now he's mocking us!
(Alyssa) Hey! You can't copy us!! We gots us a contract owning dat name FOO! *police man pops up out of no where* (Police man) Yes its true. Plus we're holding charges against you for molesting Micheal Jackson and his mom....and his computer....and his dog....-Goes on and on and on and on- (Justine) *juggles oranges* (Alyssa) oooooooo!!!! YUM YUM!!! I luff oranges!!! *eats them* (Justine) Hey!! (Oprah) *takes out the most fattiest hamburger in the world* YAY!!! Now I am 1000 pounds!!! *dies* (Justine) *pokes her with a stick*
As her fat pads deflate, little farting noises comes out.
(alyssa) ohmehgawd that is so fun. *alyssa pokes her over and over until she makes a little tune with the farting fatpads.* (justine) OOH I LIKE IT! Doo doo dee dee doo daa dee doo doo daa daa doo daaaaa
lol omg that made me laugh so hard. *naturo melts* *Justine and Alyssa start jumping on her fat and playing a tune* Doo doo doo doo do do dooooo deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *phbbbbt* (Alyssa) Aw
meh too xD
(justine) WTF?! WHY DID MY BELOVED NARUTO- i mean why did that s**t bag start melting? (alyssa) Are you hiding sommmthhhiinnggg?? (Justine) Why would you say that?! (alyssa) oh never mind.. Hey wheres the real oprah?
(Justine) *points* Over there eating that pole. (Alyssa) What the FREAK? -Naturo pops up again- (Naturo) HAHAHAHAHA! You LOVE ME!!! Lets get married!!! (Alyssa) EWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEW! YOUR A WOM-MAN! You haven't even hit puberty!
hehe remember me and mercedes? WHOA-MAN! Wowman. xD (justine) -_- No narutard. i don't like you. (naruto) what if i get in a demyx costume?! (justine) still too short. (HEY ALYSSA WERE MY AXEL AND DEMYX CHIBI'S GOOD?! D: I TRIED!) (narutardo) b-b-but i luffies you! (justine) so? i luffies demyx. (Alyssa)Pwned. (Naruto) Stfu lyssa. >.> <.< (goofy) EGGNOG! O____o (justine) wtf?! what happened to the goofy i love?! (goofy) HUCK YUCK! I LOVE HOW SORA TOUCHES MY BUTT! (Justine) hehehehe, i knew you didn't change! (Sora) GOOFY BOOBS! <3 HEEHEEHOOOOHHAAAAA!!
(Yes you did! >_< wink (Naturo) KISSY KISSY!!! *jumps towards Justine* (Alyssa) nuh uh PUNK!!!! *Kicks Naturdo in the stomach, then back-hands him in the face* (Justine) Yay LYSSAH!!! *happy dance* (Sora) Wait a second...Where'd Kairi go? (Goofy) IN MAH BELLY! *GONK* (Alyssa) Sickness man! Bleh! (Justine) Ya. (Naturo) Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! *sob sob* -Demyx and Axel appears- (Demyx & Axel) Hey guys! (Alyssa) Wheeeee! Axel!
*justine shoots axel in the face...* (justine)Were not having another one of those kisseh kisseh goo goo story's! (alyssa) b-b-b-but WHY?!? WHY SHOOT AXEL?! (justine) i dunno. (alyssa) y-y-you could have just poofed him away! 'CAUSE YOU CAN DO THAT IN STORY'S! (justine) but its funner to shoot em! (alyssa) two can play at this game... *Alyssa shoots demyx in the face* (justine) WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?! YOU COULD HAVE POOFED HIM AWAY! (Naruto) *clings to justine* I LUFFERS YOU!!! *Justine shoots narutard in the face* O: (alyssa) Ohehgawd.. what now?
lol (Alyssa) Wanna go to the beach? -Beach things magicly pop up-
OHMEHGAWD YAY! Oh crap... t-t-t-this means its the end of the story!! OH WELL! GET IN MY JOURNAL YOU!!! Lets scadaddle! *We skip into the sunset* (Why do we always end up in the sunset?! )
Wheeee! *Skips into a hole* Gosh darn it!
A_Departed_Memory · Sun Jan 28, 2007 @ 04:15am · 0 Comments |