Yaoi story part 6 ~Chaos & Mishaps~
This is when the stroy turn to a different level. This is when they discover how much in common they have, and that they arent so different.
Vaan glared angrily at the Saru. No one, absolutely no one has ever called him weak. "You would like to think so, but truth is your speak big to cover up your insucrity with you strength. You want to be strong. But acting like you do, you will not accomplish such a goal."
Saru laughed at Vaan, because he was right. he walked up to him and put his hand on his shoulder " if only you knew what I know, than you would understand" he winked and walked back to the bed and seat there covering himself with the blanket " am tired of this, if your still gonna call me weak than so be it, but I'll show you how strong I really am" he laid his eyes on Vaan then he face towards the wall looking away from Vaan because he knew he would start crying if he did. “all I'll ever be is alone" Why was he showing so much emotion, when it was causing him so much pain. He faced Vaan “Waan, how did you get to be so strong ....." she smirked and awaited his answer.
Vaan winced at the question as if some inner emotion was tugging at his heart for being reminded of that answer. He walked to the other side of the room and started a fire, knowing that as the night progressed the cold would only intensify. This also prevented Saru from seeing his eyes if he so happened to tear at the answer. He certainly didn't want to come off as weak to the other because he cries as well. "When you are alone all your life, the worlds molds you in a cold person who must fiend for themself. I was weak before I learned how to survive without depending on otthers."
He sighed knowing that the answer he was looking forward to, wasn’t gonna be answered so, he proceed to seating beside him, to warm up his hands. “So, what are you? You don’t seem to be a demon or a human. That’s kind of cool" he smiled trying to change the subject.
"I have no clue about what I am. Since I grew up without anyone else, they could never tell me what I was. Its hard, but I accept that I may never know why I have these powers." He sighed, as he startled poking the fire. "How about you? I know you mention you didn't have anyone to miss you if you died."
“well, my parents dead two years ago, and just over a year I found out that I am a half demon" he was suddenly feeling depressed. " I have no one, since I was the only child, I been trying my best to live alone and study so I can get a good job, that’s my dream, to be a NURSE" HE smiled and posed around the fire place until his tail caught on fire" AHH FIRE!!"
Vaan laughed warmly at Saru's reaction, and left the room to get water. In no time he had put the flame out. "Some nurse you're going to be. You can't keep yourself from getting hurt. If you ask me I think you need a personal nurse for yourself, and since it appears no one is volutneering, I guess I will have to be the one to keep you out of trouble." He smirked.
He licked his tail and when he heard what Vaan said he yelled in a clueless way" YOU!!, your kill me because ever doing any good" he thought and said something silly " I guess since your services are free, I'll have to accept" he side hugged him with a huge smile on his face, like a kid meeting a new friend.
~to be contunied in part 7~
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