The place where all of my thoughts go before I have a chance to think them through and only post the things that matter or don't offend people. Be warned.
Teacher Spewing!!! :scream:
Alright now, to spew all of my lifes issues into the topic. Teachers. Oh how I ..... [sarcasm][/sarcams] teachers. Setting: School- 7th period, private school in little Idaho, Speech class. Characters: Lys- Me, duh Mrs.M- My teacher other's may be thrown in.
Story time class!!!! I was pretty quiet the whole class period, muttering random things to my friend Rlzel once in a while. But other then that I obeyed her meaningless rules. K let's see... there's me and a senior in the class, and Rlzel (a sophmore) the rest of hte class is freshman..... no joke. Mrs.M likes to be that "cool-young" teacher. so she tries to be all cool with the freshman while the rest of us are like Wow!!! ok, yeah right. but still, after almost an etire semester you're pretty good at keeping your mouth shut.
Anyway, so near the end of clas when we were all geting back to our seats after talking about a 6TH GRADE READING LEVEL book...... (enough said) I noted some papers on my desk that weren't mine. so I told her they weren't mine and she said "oh those are scrap paper" so I SIMPLY responded, "for what?" and she snapped at me, taking the papers, crumbling them up and walking away.
It had me so shocked, cause I wasn't expecting it, that I was nearly in tears. But- like most of you, I won't cry infront of people so I just drew for the rest of the class period, in silence. So when I was leaving iwth my friend Rlzel She stopped me at hte door and said "I'm sorry for shouting BUT(there's always one of those in great arguments then they turn it around on you) you (see) tend to give me attitude I don't like." the whole time, I'm thinking "when- can you telling me when these so-called events happen?" and "if I did do anything then it's just me cause I didn't notice it." but then she came to hug me full frontal so I turned so it was atleast be a side hug and she said "I love you and want to work as a team" i wasn't gonna say it but that sounded just plain wrong, so i just walked off.
(says shoot me, if you can't read it)
Now for a side note/foot note. I hate being touched by women who are much older then me. friends is different, I always have my arms entwined with my galfriends. but I think the fact that I have a very bad relationship with my mom has me in the mind set of not wanting to be touched but adult females. Either way it creeped me out and I still feel REALLY weird.
Ranting *gasp* Kindred Spirit! *snugs since i'm approximately your age and therefore that's allowed LOL* heart
Owl Goddess · Community Member · Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 12:05am
OMG! you poor dear. I'm so sorry- but then again if I was hugged by a male teacher- I'd either be creeped out or really happy. depending on who it was. now then- your teacher. Foot-loopy.. just *makes a shooting noice* out in outter space... ignore her or get even. *nod*
^^The spaz has spoken
Spaz-Adam · Community Member · Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 12:09am
Hahahahaa. xD
I hope you feel better soon- I've had bizarre experiences like that, as well... although I LOOOVE my mom.
See, a few years ago (2~3?) I went to some low caliber art school cuz' I liked having somewhere to paint and make random stuff with other people's materials (xD) and the teacher there would sometimes give herself the right to treat me like a kid and ORDER me to change my art or they wouldn't let me continue, or even "fix" my art for me, which was generally more like "ruin my art" in my mind. Of course, I respect her opinions, but our taste differs. =3=
Anyways, I complained to my mother and she called the art teacher, and then tried to have a polite discussion with her to determine how much involvement she was allowed to have in my (twisted and evil :twisted:) creations.
The next course she told me to stay after the course and started talking to me. She ACTUALLY criticised my mother, saying that she was "stubborn" and that "chinese" were usually a little more "fussy" and "arrogant" than people usually are. Of course, I was taken by surprise by this "adult" and "teacher"'s disrespectful behaviour towards my mother, and replied with an amused smirk. (Yeah... I'm such a terrible person :sweat: I just can't help but... look down on people sometimes... I wish I didn't. But I still love everyone! :sweat: :heart: )
Me: "Oh? Excuse me, but I don't find it appropriate that you tell a certain parent's own children that their said parents are not adequate."
And then I shook my head, despite my being a couple of inches shorter than the teacher.
Then the teacher looks shocked, and calms down her angry-voice of doom, and takes my hands and starts monologuing how I'm a really good friend of hers and that she respects me.
AHAHA I think I scared her :xD *does that to people sometimes*
Anyways it wasn't long before I quit that school and found myself a private oil painting teacher- MUUUUCHO better. <8D
Anyways, just avoid that teacher, I guess. The more indifferent you are, the less she should bother you... I think. :sweat: Get better soon!
Mythee · Community Member · Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 12:30am
I only hug my freshman Biology teacher, and to me she's not really much of a teacher than she is a friend now anyways. xD But I know how it feels, cause I'm pretty much the same way. I would've left before she had the chance to stop me at the door.. but that's just me I guess. D: My teachers are always like "IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM LEAVE THE ROOM AND GO TO THE OFFICE ~insert cat hiss here~" And half the time I see people just lower their heads and shut up. So far, no one has said it to me, but I know they will...
And I know I'll get up and walk right out of the room. xD
No one said anything about going to the damn office either..
Emuz · Community Member · Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 12:39am
confused wow... and I think it's creepy to have teachers hate me. eek
MacDixon · Community Member · Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 01:19am
Wow! I'm sorry i didn't know she upset you that much. i have to admit she was REALLY Getting on my nerves than too. I couldn't believe it when she snatched your papers! she had no reason to do that! She got SO mad at me yesterday with that cell phone call's not like it was my fault! and she got even more mad when i tried to apologize. her daughter is mean to me too. waah! terrifying! well, we've only got a couple more weeks of that class. it's so annoying how she keeps us apart at every oppourtunity! and btw, hugs from teachers disturb like none other. o m g.
PetitCharatChan · Community Member · Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 01:31am
*snickers* OMG you're so right RIzel... ... they creep me out alot, and yeah- when it's that late in the school date I don't want my friends worrying about me so I bundle up my emotions and hide them till I'm alone in my car and can cry by myself ^^ which I really didn't do all so much but I quiet hte whole way home... anyway, sure fire way to know if I'm upset- when I'd usually laugh or respond, I'll just smile or not say anyhting. 3nodding
Lacya · Community Member · Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 01:44am
Luff you Lys. <3 Don't get all bothered over a retarded teacher made psycho by years of being responsible over a bajillion teenager's education- (yep, high stress jobs turn people crazy)- it's really not worth the trouble. sweatdropheart
Mythee · Community Member · Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 02:07am
ewwwww.... your stuck in a private school too ne? me as well 18 years of private school ; ; aww and im very sorry she yelled at you, shoulda come back with an icy retort (lol thats what i always do) granted... ya normally get in trouble for it... so maybe its better you didnt.
lol and i dont like old men sitting next to me in movie theaters, one tried to feel me up once and ever since then im all "nope, the end.. or inbetween my friends.. or im sitting somewhere else". sucks that she had to randomly hug you... thats gotta be ackward... "i love you"? *shudder* creepy
Jitsumi1221 · Community Member · Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 02:49am
Yeah, Jitsumi X.x random hugging ness X.x *shudder* ANNYYY way! I'll just end up making her life a living heck for the last two weeks of speech... 3nodding
Lacya · Community Member · Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 03:09am
Well... It already made you feel better once so... *secretly designs silly string trap and stick them throughout your house* Now if you are not careful, thou shall be pelted by SILLY STRING! [bright neon colors] I don't knew how I thought of silly string either. I haven't see it for a long time whee
Aevoron · Community Member · Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 04:56am