Item List:
Ace of Spades
Anti-Fashion Blue Anti-Accessory
Bani Clips
Blue Flame Shoes
Blue Glamrock Jean Skirt
Buck Teeth
Bunny Luv
Chyaku Norisu Scarf
Clot Glamrock Headband
Clown Nose
Crimson Red Pimpin' Cane
Drop Dead Gorgeous Stone Skull Earrings
Elven Ears
Gold Mountain Red Vest And Shirt
Gold Promise Ring
KiKi Kitty Plushie
Red Stockings
Roco Rochel Costume Bracelet
Sapphire Forehead Jewel
Those 70s White Pants
ZONY Discman
Estimated Total: 420,368 Gold, 8,500 Tickets
(Estimated with known item values on 03 December 2006)