A Living Zombie
I slept for less than three hours last night. I was late with Doug, trying to help him work some of his cituations out. I didn't mind. We didn't stay up terribly late. But then, just before I went to sign off, I checked my myspace one last time and saw a countdown meter thingy on a friend's profile. So I decided to make one of my own real quick for the Yo Yo Ma performance I am going to see. I kept thinking it was next weekend, but when I went to look it up on the calender, I realized that it is this Saturday, and that got my adrenaline going. So I was up for about another hour or so, just trying to calm down from my musical high (which for me, can be extremely difficult). So yeah, less than three hours of sleep, and I have to bake cookies for Percussion Ensemble today (because I promised I would), and I'm supposed to go watch Serenity in the Cafeteria with Bethany and Sean today at the school, but to be honest, I really don't feel like it. Especially since I have to bake the cookies before I leave for rehursal at 4:45. sweatdrop And it's already 10:09 and I still have yet to take a shower. Argh. blah blah. Whine whine. Bicker bicker. But, if Jonathan is there, then I am sure all will be well, because Jonathan is awesome like that. mrgreen Anyway, I have to go. I know this is really random and probably doesn't make too much sense, but, ah well. Maybe I'll post another entry later to help clear things up. sweatdrop