Audition of entretainment for Walt Disney World
Today i was nervous before the audition because it was the 1st time i do this, so i practice a lot of dancing skills. I was so anxious because is my pasion, but things dinting get the way i wish for. The careographer told me that Disney needs plp like me, that makes me felt so great and special because im totally am. I said to her thank you, the fact is im a big fan of Disney and i loveeeeeeeee Disney. She saw in me that i was doing it perfectly but one thing destroy my heart. My puntuation was perfect but the thing was my height i was too tall. In fact is im small im not tall but theres a sertain high for characters and its stop in 5' 4'' and im 5'5''. That totally break my heart, my only hope now is that they accept me in the college program. Im never going to give up, i will fight for my dreams. sad