...i feel like a nobody .... nothing to help me feel like a somebody
As I walkon endlessly everyone ignoring my exsistance I cry out but no one can hear me.
as I walk along that the line of life and death I find that the path is starting to fade and disappear into an endless abyss I worry that my light will fade nobody thair to save my as i fall to my death. My heart full of pain as I look for somebody to notace my existance; Will any one notice, or will I fall into the abyss that is waiting for me at the end of time line of my life? Will I continue to live alone and die alone or is their someone the to heal these feeling is hopelessness and lonelyness
can anyone pull me out of the abyss;can anyone bring back to my own life?
Or will I die alone in this dark place with nobody to share the goodness of life?
VanitasXSora Community Member |