but a few things keep us connected some more simple than the rest and each a gift so sweet and tender that keeps me coming back to you how now then is it so hard to lift a finger in your guard why must I balk in your defense and sit back and watch you fall It seemed so simple before now to help you on your way however now it would seem that every day is just a dream and that you did not exist at all but only in my deepest thought but please tell me that it's not false tell me now that your still there watching and waiting for me I could not stand to be alone in a world where I do not belong help me to see that with you the world is not such a scary thing but a place of love and imagining come now and prove me wrong that there is still hope among the dawn and that the night is not so long that the darkness and the rain shall pass and that the sun shall shine once more show me that my life's worth living show me what there is in store and help me learn so much more
Syararu · Thu Jan 13, 2005 @ 10:42pm · 1 Comments |