Oooh! I just -had- to post this! It's so clever! ^^
I saw this on Vempy Dear's xanga, so I had to try it! =D
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, etc). 2. Put it on shuffle. 3. Press play. 4. For every question type the song that's playing. 5. When you go to a new question press the next button. Ready? GO!
Opening Credits: Holding out For a Hero from The Shrek 2 Soundtrack
Waking Up: Emenius Sleepus by Green Day
Falling In Love: Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand
Fight Song: My Immortal by Evanescence
Breaking Up: Dum Diddly by Black Eyed Peas
Make-up: It Was Supposed to be So Easy by The Streets
Life's Okay: Whisper by Evanescence
Mental Breakdown: Island in the Sun by Weezer
Driving: Buddy Holly by Weezer
Flashbacks: Hello by Evanescence
Happy Dance: Longview by Green Day
Regretting: Forest by System of a Down
Final Battle: Steady as She Goes by Raconteurs
Death Scene: My Best Friend by Weezer
o.o;;; Okay, none of those work. Like, not at all. ._.l But I like the Death Scene song! *Dances.* Although, too upbeat for my death. ._.;
Moving on... - - -
I'm sick, and I can't stop sneezing. T-T But! At least it's a four day weekend! ^^
I'll add more later...
Edit: I'm angry, now. I'm just.. AGH! I'm so sick and tired of - and then - but even so - ! THEN - just - it - everything I do - ARGH! I gave up a long time ago trying to fight it, but that doesn't mean it still doesn't make me angry. But of course I can't say anything, or else...Bah. Who cares? I'm just angry.
And Sasha from Isle De Gambino bothers me a lot. >.<
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