Community Member
Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 @ 11:05pm
So frickin' CLOSE!!!
Thank you everyone who helped me get this far! I'm going to try and make another avie that might get me even closer to fufilling my dream of being in the top ten!!
Title: Princess Neptune. Score: 7.3672 Total Ratings: 562 Total Comments: 59 Rank: 197
Comments you received:
Masquerader Pretty. <3
sera lollol actually, this is amazingly well done. . i saw it and immediately thought, 'hey, she looks like michiru!'
Bebbo pretty indeed
T I C T A C ` Very pretty. Nice description too. =D 10'd.
CraftyTequila Pretty.
gemini8793 i like that style very much, 8/10 smile
MidnightFistfight Very pretty... I love aqua.
Lone~Flower Princess Neptune love the the name but love the avi more ^_^
Megami Selene Accurate.
hotty blonde love ur avi. totallyt decorative. and its my favorite color
sweetandsassy16 *sexcess you up* 1000,ooo,000,ooo/10 twisted
Mr. Spandex <33!!!! 10/10 fo' sho'!
Cotton Cloud i wish that i could have a pretty avie like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luminesence Moon Glow @_________@!!
Naoko Thank you all!!
Yuanna Cute but the shoes don't go well with the rest of the avatar. ..
Toola-Roola Ah, Michiru-Chan. I've never seen this done int the arena before. Goodjob. 10/10
Grave_Starlight It's soo cute 10/10
Chittyco1 I kinda like this 10 vote me back
C a l ii lol
The Elf Slave For emsveal B[b:8060853b68]eau[/b:8060853b68]tiful! Could you Vote and comment me back Thanckoo!
pandalover1 cute wink smile :0
pandalover1 cute wink smile biggrin
Sarete Suzuko EXCELLENT cosplay of Michiru! 3nodding Good for you! 10/10
alisha9912 The avis look is fine with me...8/10.
babygurl718 she very pretty! biggrin smile
oODigital GlowOo she is one of thr plaest should un tan yourself a little bit...and the other wavy hair would have worked better then this
Naoko The other wavy hair didn't have the same color.
Tizzan Very nicely done, the colors match and it matches the character well. =D
Amon_Ahti Very nice. 10'd
[death.lock] thta s**t looks bad ... in a very good way
adp1992 SWEET I LOVE IT!!!
chococat31198 oooooooooooh aaaaaaaaaaah
~[ Andi ]~ it's pretty..1o
Jessiiee it's cute ^^ <3 10/10
becca3567 Very nice. I love the colers you choose. 10/10
Mrs Radcliffe Wow this really does look like Michiru!!
X~Browine~X Very Very Cute! I like it! 4laugh
peppermint_pattie I like is a little plain, but better too plain then too busy. Good job!
noisebeast That rocks! I love it. 9! Rate me back....?
despised_wolf Very pretty but I feel you are missing something? :s ohwell 10
Cold.Summer cute and everything matches, maybe a lil bit more white? 9/10!
kyokunfire awsome
Joelthief Goddess....very beautiful
Sparky_258 kool <3 <3<3 10/10
Minakou i've seen this a lot
VanillaCokeRocks I love it. A perfect 10.
Shurahime I LOVE it! 10!
phoniexXfire i love it. <3
samantha_the_fox 10 10 10!!!!! I love your avi sooo much. 10/10 heart
darck ubas hi
~PhantomOfTheCrimsonMoon~ this really caught my eye. im not really sure why it did though. ^_^ its simple, but elegant. i like it! 1o from me ^^
zeak67 1
zeak67 1
Naoko Thanks everyone except Minakou and Zeak67!
Zeshii So Cute! and pretty! luv the hair
Eternal_Rose reference pic?
Andalite_Queen Awww, she's so pretty and your right the shoes don't really go. 9/10
GaignunKukai Jr. surprisingly it looks really good, and Michiru is one of my favorite Sailor Moon characters, i shall give you a 10 ^_^