The new song KiLLKiSS done by Ave Mujica is really good. 😭❤️
I don't normally listen to female songs but damn that is one song.. ❤️
I must listen to the rest of they're songs sometime... but not right now because i am lsitening to Epsilon Phi... (i switched because i had the urge to lsiten to them before i listened to KiLLKiSS.. i only listened to it on random because i saw it on my Spotify after liking it from facebook yesterday... hm.. now i wish i liked th facebook page... i lost it now.. 😅 i paged the song/streaming list though.. so i can go back and see if it is on my coutnrys itunes though, 🙂 so its not all bad..)
The new song KiLLKiSS done by Ave Mujica is really good. 😭❤️
I don't normally listen to female songs but damn that is one song.. ❤️
I must listen to the rest of they're songs sometime... but not right now because i am lsitening to Epsilon Phi... (i switched because i had the urge to lsiten to them before i listened to KiLLKiSS.. i only listened to it on random because i saw it on my Spotify after liking it from facebook yesterday... hm.. now i wish i liked th facebook page... i lost it now.. 😅 i paged the song/streaming list though.. so i can go back and see if it is on my coutnrys itunes though, 🙂 so its not all bad..)