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Charinje's thoughts
I'm going to write a bit about my life, my interests and perhaps post a quiz now and then.
Group 1:

I would like group art of these characters, fullbody or halfbody. They're a group of friends, hero-characters/adventurers who have a storm/lightning theme going on. Maybe they can hug or something, but that's not mandatory XD We're a rp group who've just reached level 20 after many years so I'd like to celebrate it with a gift for us all ^^

1. Red-haired female halfling druide, often has sticks and leaves stuck in her hair, very shy

1 2 3

2. Elven male bard, very elvish and fancy

3. A human male monk, looks like Geralt the Witcher, uses fists instead of sword
1 2

4. A human male sorcerer, sometimes sport dragon wings, very serious

5. A human male barbarian, very strong and dependable

6. A human male with glasses, ghostly presence in the background or something in order to represent the GM/storyteller in our group
Looks sort of like this, but less butch and no beard


Group 2:

Would you be willing to do a bigger groupshot, for 6 characters? I know it's a tall order, but there's no harm in asking I guess XD Name your price and I'll see if I can afford it or not if you're actually considering my request ^^ It's for a Dnd-group of mine.

Can you draw them like this if so? They pretty much look like in their ref pictures, but feel to change a few things as you see fit ^^

1. Halfling/hobbit bard, so very short. He’s a lord, and the leader of the group so he should be in the center, maybe sit on a throne/chair or something, or he could be playing his drum ^^

He’s a confident, charismatic, has a charming smile. Flirts mostly with ladies, but sex doesn't matter if the other is charming enough. Likes the power the lord title grants him, but doesn't activly like to command people/lead.. so he does his best to shrink on his duties and leave the responibility to his trusted advisors, aka the rest of the group XD He much prefers flirting, dancing and drinking to actually ruling, but occasionly he rise to the occation. Chaotic good.

Looks like this image, aprox 1,20m tall.

halfling leader

2.Human man (monk). Looks sort of like a 50-60 year old english butler, but is suprisingly agile. Should be next to the halfling, maybe offer him some tea on a plate or something. 1,80m.

ref 1 - no glasses
ref 2

3.Male elven fighter. Should be standing on the other side of the halfling, looking serious, he’s the halflings bodyguard. Has a fancy rapier. 1,90m

ref 1

4.Male half-elf bard/dragon sorcerer. Has a pan flute, but it might be too cluttered to ad this.. Maybe a ball of fire or ice can hover over his hands to show that he knows magic? Has some barely visible light bluish-dragonscales on his body(like neck/hands etc, not face). 1,85m

ref 1
ref 2 - doesn't have the wings

5. Male old sorcerer. Dark-skinned, has a staff, maybe some barely visible henna-tatoos on his hands. He can smile like he's secretly plotting something maybe? XD Maybe draw a little wasp close to him? 1,75m

ref 1
ref 2

6. Male human priest (Abadar). 20 year old, loves collecting coins from all over the world in a collectors album, blond hair, blue eyes. Can be drawn in armour(ref 1) or more simple clothes(ref 2 or ref 4). He can smile/look in his coin collection book, or look nervous since he's a worry-wart, you decide XD 1,78m

Ref 1 - Hero forge/armour
Ref 2 - realistic
Ref 3 - realistic
Ref 4 - casual clothing sample

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