Welcome! ReapingTheInnocent, angelchik16, AngeloDrakul, [Cold Whispers] and I are questing! We hope to make enough before the prices inflate too much. Ouch! Some things are expensive; others are not. We hope that you take a look into our thread, for although this is just another thread, we worked hard to plan this out. ^^
Posts1: Welcome
Posts2:Links to thread
Posts5: White list
Posts5:Black list
Posts6: Donaters
Post 7:Affiliates/links
Link to us!
[Cold Whispers]'s.....
Posts1: Welcome
Posts2:Links to thread
Posts5: White list
Posts5:Black list
Posts6: Donaters
Post 7:Affiliates/links
*An update time everyday to update how much we got donated, who donated, and how far away we are.
Abliskov hasn't gotten very far.

ReapingTheInnocent is almost done!

[Cold Whispers] is....
angelchik19 hasn't gotten very far.

AngeloDrakul Is not very far...

*Let donaters know how to donate;
I will accept donations of any kind, biggrin Just send me a trade.
ReapingTheInnocent will accept money and or items of a little value. Just send her a trade.
angelchik19 will accept donations of any kind, just send her a trade!
AngeloDrakulwill accept Gold or an Item that can fetch at least 1k in the market place
[Cold Whispers] will accept gold donations and...
White list; None
Black list; None, we hope it to stay that way!
Abliskov; angelgal16 donated 555 GG! heart

Abliskov; sirrex1600 donated 286 GG!

*Each person has an intro explaining what they need, how much they need, how much they have, and everything.

Abliskov has