1 piece of art takes 3-10 days. I do art in order of the list!
> Brandiii [coloring]
> Blaziken (toyhou.se) [lining]
> Yoons (full)
> Minnisu (chibi) [sketching]
> lnventories (chibi) [sketching]
> Uta The Ghoul (shop) [sketching]
> Captain Fordo (shop)
> Kyrinth (shop)
> Shy Miss Elize (shop)
> P Y X l S (shop)
> Makivale (shop)
> Keri-tan (shop)
> sparkletots (shop)
> sparkletots (shop)
> Nolan Parks (chibi)
> Mizz Hyde (full)
> Rin Moonsong (waist flat)
> Yoons (waist flat)
> Minnisu (waist flat)
> Minnisu (full)