When Nightmares Come to Life xxxxxxxxxxxx
★ Name & memories taken by Alessa and given the responsibility to deliver judgment and protect the innocent
★ Unknown in Age
★ Female
★ Demon/Manifestation of Guilt and Bringer of Judgment
★ Cold & Unfeeling, Spiritual Sibling to PH
★ Carries twin blades, smaller imitations of PH's giant blade
The Mirror's Reflection xxxxxxxxxxxx
★ Long red hair
★ Pale complexion
★ Black eyes beneath her helmet
★ Tall & Slender

Silent Hill has been my home, my hell, my heaven and my purgatory. I am bound by the freedom Alessa gave me when I was bestowed my blade. I carry the weight of guilt & shame and rightfully sentance the guilty and save the innocent from this nightmare world.
Beneath the Helmetxxxxxxxxxxxx
By Alessa's law I am not to harm children. PH is my master. I do as he says and only direct him in the direction of the guilty. I cannot get in his way.