Theme Song
Battle Music
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harharharhar" Life is a precious gift "
har har har har har har har• • •
N A M E ✩ Suzume Chinatsu xxx G A N G N A M E / N I C K N A M E ✩ ❝Kaminarichan / Suzuchan ❞
A F F I L I A T E D ✩ Sengen xxx R A N K ✩ Third In Command
A G E ✩ 21 xx B I T H D A Y : ✩ 10 / 31 xx H E I G H T ✩ 5'5" xx W E I G H T ✩ 130 lbs.
E Y E C O L O R ✩ Sapphire xx H A I R C O L O R ✩ Black xx G E N D E R ✩ Female
O R I E N T A T I O N ✩ Bisexual xx C R U S H I N G ✩ Maybe. . .
O C C U P A T I O N ✩ Monday's through Saturday's Suzume studies away at a medical university located just a few hours from town. On Monday's through Friday's she works the night-shift at O.K. Bar. xx
R E S I D E N C Y ✩ Suzume lives at the Akasaka Apartments, though she can be usually found at the Segen House hold.
R A C E ( S ) ✩ Japanese xx B L O O D T Y P E ✩ AB
G A N G T A T T O O ✩ Suzume's gang tattoo spans from hip to hip as a lower stomach band. She also has the gangs Kanji symbol tattooed, vertically on the back of her neck.
W E A P O N ✩
tab For regular people, or those that threaten with no power, Suzume uses hand to hand combat.Seeing guns as a weak weapon,and a thing of no honor, Suzume's favorite weapons of choice are her knuckle knives. Her other commonly used weapons are her kantana, and bow.
S K I L L ( S ) ✩
tab Thanks to archery, boxing and kendo club from high school, Suzume is remarkable at close combat and familiar with long range. Suzume's special ability is to concentrate her immense spiritual power to her hands, to summon various types of weapons. Depending on how much spiritual pressure is applied, she is able to enhance her weapons. For example Suzume can summon her knuckle knives and apply certain voltages of electricity, as well as control the length of the blades. Suzume's spiritual power can be applied anywhere on her body for power boosts or speed boosts. However Suzume is only able exert fifteen hours of constant spiritual energy and must rest for at least ten minutes or so.
tab Being a medical student, Suzume uses her knowledge of the healing arts to treat her fellow gang-mates of their injuries. Thanks to her mother's choice of clubs Suzume's cooking is exceptional. You can find Suzume cooking for her fellow members from time to time as well as cleaning the Sengen household.
P E R S O N A L I T Y ✩
tab Suzume's personality? Well on first glance you can tell that she's a tomboy. You will never find her wearing a skirt on purpose. She prefers to keep her guyish style by wearing shorts and jeans.
tab As she works, goes to med school, and has responsibilities of third in command of the Sengen gang, she's a quick and calm learner with an open mind. She's always focused on improving on one one thing or another causing her to space out from time to time. Because of this improving need she finds a controlled lust in battle as well as training. Suzume can sometimes be seen street-jumping in abandoned buildings or parking lots just for the fun of it.
tab Due to her past Suzume is a person who's the out forward and protective type, if she see something wrong you can bet she'll do something about it. This goes especially if it involves the ones she's come to love as a family. Of course if she's wrong she's known to blush and apologize .... out of frustration.
tab As for a relationship, Suzume doesn't appear to be looking for anything serious, because of Natsumi. Nevertheless Suzume can be caught flirting occasionally when a hot customer comes walking into O.K Bar. That's all i got T^T
B I O G R A P H Y ✩
tab Suzume was born into a traditional, high class family, in the country side of Japan. She was the only child of Hiromi and Ichiro Chinatsu. Being born on the day where demons travel through out the human world, is the sole reason of why she feels she wasn't able to get too many dates. Of course, then again, the reason of why she didn't get too many dates, could have been because of her two inch horns, and later discovered powers. Despite all of that, Suzume's parents accepted her as their miracle child and loved her as she was.
tab Throughout her high school life, after she figured out how to sheath her horns, she was put in several traditional clubs by her mother, which she attend as long as she was able to take her clubs. Some clubs her mother had her take were tea ceremony, cooking, and fan dancing. As for her clubs, she enjoyed the roughness of kendo, archery, and boxing.
tab Taking all of those clubs would have been a huge burden on her shoulders if it weren't for her ability to learn quickly, and her girlfriend. Yes, if it wasn't for her girlfriend, Natsumi's constant worry about Suzume's health and grades she would have died of hunger. Even after Suzume's father passed away from an unknown sickness, Natsumi was there to comfort her. Natsumi even persuaded Suzume to go into the medical field not only for Suzume's father but for Natumi's sake as well.... The last few months of Natsumi's life.... never in their five year relationship was Suzume so depressed, so angry at herself. Suzume was so mad she even rode her motorcycle in an attempt at suicide. However each time Suzume tried Natsumi's face would appear in Suzume's mind smiling as her voice echoed " Life is precious Suzuchan ... "
tab After Suzume's lover passed away from cancer, Suzume moved away to the urban area to study in the medical field. A month later she discovered her spiritual power. How did that happen? Well she was sitting on a bench at the park thinking about Natsumi when she saw this drunk in the corner of her eye harassing a girl. Suzume told him to back off and as soon as she knew it she was on the floor getting punched out, not that she really cared. After all it's a faster way to see Natsumi. As Suzume closed her eyes to be greeted by death it was Natsumi who kicked her a** and told her to get up and fight. The next thing Suzume knew her hands were surrounded in a violent, blue flame of spiritual energy. She punched the guy in the stomach sending the drunkard off of her and a good distance away. Suzume got up looking at her hands in disbelief, she touched her face nothing hurt, not even the fire surrounding her hands. As the blue flames disappeared Suzume ran home to her apartment in confusion.
tab Two months after the incident, Suzume took a trip from town to town near her medical university, looking for a new place to stay, a new job and another fresh start. Suzume ended up in a rather large town, living at the Akasaka apartments, working night shift at the O.K. Bar. She was twenty-one and a master of her new found power. It was when she got into a small fight with one of the Sengen gang members that she found out there were others like her. The small fight was stopped by the gang leader Sofya who then asked whether Suzume wanted to join the Sengen gang or not. Suzume after thinking about the decision accepted Sofya's offer and because of Suzume's power was placed third in command. What a jump start!
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