I said I was going to quit Gaia but since it's Summer break and I actually have more time than I know what to do with, I'm just gonna go ahead and be on here. A lot. Or drawing/Managing my FB Art page which you are free to like by clicking the link below
FaceBook Page for Art
I would eventually like to sell my art so if you're interesting go ahead and PM me on here or Message me on my FB account here:
FaceBook Account
Do not try and add me as a friend, I will not accept your request unless I am already good friends with you.
If you like something, let me know. If you want something personal done, Let me know. However if it's something you want me to draw, paint, etc. That'll cost you.
I will be on here from time to time but more likely you can find me on FB or on my Twitter, I also have a Tumbler. that is used from time to time. Either way, you can use these methods to contact me/View my Art until I get around to making a blog that includes all of my art with further detail.
Here are the links to my Twitter and Tumbler. Accounts:
My Twitter
Thank you.
Belle Gambino/ Harleen Frances Quinzel