Production has begun anew, and with it, I've begun testing a new type of heavy armor. The torso peice was my first test for this armor, and my original prototype somehow became caught up in some various and random testing with other programs and parts. The result is what you see above.
You see, when the armor was to my liking, I began on a MK II version of the Heavy Weapons model. The original torso peice, however, sat around with nothing in it...and I began to tinker. It had been a long time since I had simply tinkered with machinery, so I added a few random items, like the legs and the simplistic head. The lights that arrange the angry face actually came about as an accident, so I decided to keep it, and the name HateRobo arose from my brain.
From there I decided to test out my various A.I. programs that had previously failed, to allow for a bit more freedom in the actions of certain robots (without going overboard, of course; I've learned my lesson). Many of them failed, but since this robot was simple but with a tough body, I could allow it to move and provide a visual demonstration outside computer algorithms. It was quite useful to be able to see the outcomes without having to fear for my life (too much).
You'll notice, of course, that HateRobo carries weaponry on his shoulders, so I imagine that you can assume his A.I. program is to the point where I can trust him. You'd be correct. I did stumble upon a program (one that I doubt I'd be able to reproduce) that provided a loyal subject, though one that could think on its own and actually provide conversation. HateRobo - after many hours of speaking back an forth - became amiable to me and I decided to appoint him the job of Lab Security. His legs allow for perfect stabilization for his shoulder weapons, and they also provide speed and the ability to attach himself to various surfaces (including the ceiling). The weapons range from non-lethal detainment to very lethal nothing-left-of-your-body types.
I believe that my trust in his A.I. can be summed by the fact that I allow him to carry such dangerous weapons. HateRobo has become a friend to me, and I am almost considering trying to reproduce the A.I. for my lab assistant, the Green Devil.