Age: 19
Race: Mutant (Human)
Education: Highschool and some College
Wealth: 235 Dollars left over from financial aid for college. Motorcycle, and a stainless steel necklace. 3 Jade stud piercings in her right cartilage. 2 Stainless steel bracelets, and a an amber/yellow bead bracelet.
Likes: Banana smoothies, Banana splits, Rice, Lipstick. Risks.
Dislikes: Smoking, Alcoholics, Criminals who have no class.
Personality: ~
Flaws: Has a hard time trusting those who 'love' her. Basic but slight trust issues.
Biography: Ellen has had her encounter with the notorious Berach Hughes, and while they had an electrifying first few weeks of a relationship, it soon ran out of energy, and the two simply could not work together. Largely because of his desire for vices, and her need to pursue higher goals.
Powers: Superhuman Tracking: She can track a subject she has met, basically, the better she knows someone, the easier it will be to locate them. However, she can only use this while in very close proximity with an electrical item that is in the same 'grid' as the target. The target, must also be within close proximity to a electric device. Cellphones have been known to work, but only if plugged in. However they seem to overrule the 'grid' rule.
Electricity Web: Ellie can fire a sort of spider's web from her palms, using it to catch and 'stun' enemies of her own size, and often kill things much smaller. The web, despite being little more than electricity, can catch thrown objects, such as bullets and knives. Metal objects are caught much easier than things that are not conductors.
Electrical Transportation: She can travel through electrical grids much the same way she can 'track' targets. All the same rules apply, but there must be a physical connection, as such, the cellphone trick doesn't seem to work. She literally must have wires to travel through.
Electrical Resistance: High voltage attacks, on par generally with lightning, or touching a power plant's main line, would kill her as well as it would kill the average person. However, she can completely shrug off things like tasers and stun guns. Power lines can induce an almost drunk effect one her, with disorientation and sometimes a lack of motor function, but will not kill her.
Weaknesses: Water seems divert her electrical webs in whichever direction it wishes, much like a gun which has had it's barrel cut far too short. Thunderstorms cause too much interference for real progress to be made when using her tracking ability, but seems to make it a bit easier for her to use electrical webs, as long as it has not begun to rain yet.