n a m e ; Guinevere " Gwen" Amber Lennox
g e n d e r ; Female
a g e ; 21
s p e c i e s ; Human
a l i g n m e n t ; UNSC
p r e f e r r e d w e a p o n ; Unsc
r a n k ; ODST. sergeant
a r m o r ; only fill this out if you are a elite or a spartan
p e r s o n a l i t y ; Living on a ship has given her the benefit of becoming a military strategist.Yet she can act random when given high amounts of sugar((think Gir.)). Gwen is very smart and loves having a good fight if you push her in that direction.Deep down though she is devoid of any life and is isolated from her fellow ODSTs and marines ever since her father passed away. She has seen enough death ih her past few years aboard the ship.But that has not stopped her from laughing or smiling. She will even pull the occassional prank. Gwen prefers to have silence and tranquility and is suprisingly calm in battle. She never panics and is rarely suprised. She is very loyal to her fellow friends. Towards the Sangheili she is unsure and wary of them and tries to keep her distance from them if that is possible for her to do. As for the Spartans, she does not mind them and feels a bit sympathic towards the, since she hates the way the others treat them. Gwen may look beautiful boys, but she will kick your a** if you touch her in the wrong way. She is saving her heart for someone who is worthy of keeping it safe and not breaking it.
b i o g r a p h y ; Gwen was born into a military family and to a happy couple. At a young age she was always getting into trouble and somehow got away with it. Gwen was also very athletic and could give her mom a run for her money as she got older.In middle school she was a straight "A" student and was enrolled in advanced classes. She also had a love for sports and tried out for the soccer team and she was also in band class. Her father by then was made captain and had his own team of ODSTS. She rarely saw him but he would send her letter and pictures to keep her morale boosted. When Gwen turned tweleve, she had lost her friend in a freak accident that involved her with two horses. The horses made it out ok with Gwen, but her friend was dead by the time the ambulance arrived. After that she became somewhat of an outcast.
Her class was on a field trip when the Covenant attacked her beloved city. Despite her teachers protest she had run back towards the city. When she had gotten to her home there was nothing left for her, her mother had perished along with the house. Thankfully her father was on a mission there. Her father took a side trip and rescued her from what remained of her house. half-way to the check-point they were ambushed by a brute and some grunts, not wanting to loose his only child, He sacrificed his life protecting her by taking him and the brute in a fiery explosion.She had to watch on the ship as her planet was glassed, though she saw some hope as she had watched some ships escape.
In sadness, his team brought her aboard the ship and they raised her as one of their own which meant protecting her from the privates that decided to break Gwens heart as she got older, since they had grown attached to her they refused to hand her over to someone upon hitting several space stations, years went by adn the team was split up and re-assigned too different squads but she kept in touch with them.. Even the ships A.I. took over as her teacher. The shipmaster gave Gwen her fathers room and allowed her to live on board the ship.Plus most on the crew doesn't mind having her.Once she became of age the girl joined up with the ODST and is now a sergeant among the captain and the new team who see her as a sibling.
l i k e s ; ❤ her silence ❤ oldies (( Heavy metal, anything with rock, orchestral music )) ❤Sugar and caffeine ❤ her family ❤ Attractive men ❤ reading ❤ Videogames
d i s l i k e s ; ✖Badly cooked food ✖People dying on her ✖Perverts ✖rude manners ✖being touched sexually.. ✖Whiners and complainers
t h e m e s ; Sad theme 1-Hans zimmer Sad theme 2-Guardian suite Normal theme 1-Elliot Goldenthal Normal theme 2-Elliot Goldenthal Battle theme 1-James Horner Battle theme 2 -GRV Her theme-Origa
p o s t c o l o r ; Midnight blue
( Luthien Tinvuiel )
Luthien Tinvuiel · Wed Aug 31, 2011 @ 04:06pm · 0 Comments |