Age: 947
Race: Half Guardian Half Cybertronian
Height: 5'8

Bio: She doesn't remember much about her homeworlds, only having vauge memories of there being a sickness that spread through it andher and other children like her who were found to not have it were sent away in life pods. Then the worest years of her life happened.
Her pod had been found by the docter bot to the Decepticon's who had turned her into his own personal experiment, in the process seeing how her body would react to having energon pumped into it. Like Sapphire's it didn't react well but as serverly as hers. She had lost her wings and arms but her organs had remained untouched to the rotting. When he was sure that her vitals were stable and her body accepted her new arms he left her there to go check on his other experiment. Not even a Cycle later he returned furious. From what she could understand the enemy had found his other lab and took the experiment with them. After that the scurity around her lab had intensified. Only the Docter, Soundwave, and Megatron knew of her exsistance and location untill they deemed her ready to leave the lab. But even after that, they still kept her a secrete from the autobots and she always had a 'con with her at all times.
Though despite her rough life she had managed to maintain her sweet carefree personality, or so she thinks. Megatron had been the one to name her.
Sexuality: Unknown