Name: Liya Shiro
Age: 16
Height: 5"8
Weight: 117 lbs
Occupation: Trainer
Orientation: Straight
Appearance: Long Light-Blond Hair, Blue Eyes (ref. pic on left)
Badges: 8
Hometown: Twin-Leaf
Region: Sinnoh
Pok'e Party: Emopleon (Frostwing), Glaceon (Miki), Noctowl (Specz), Lucario (Rilie), Haunter (Tricksly),Tentacruel (Snare)
Bio: Starting as a trainer and growing up in Twin Leaf Town, Liya became a very strong, independent, and focused trainer. Though her family was middle-class back then, she sends small amounts of money from her battles to her family. Liya spends most of her time catching new pokemon, fighting, and doing contests. She also likes to do Battle Park, where she does the multi-battles and teams up with Riley.