Dark Valkyrie (Dec. 9, 2010 - Feb. 16)
I love this avatar, but I just couldn't bear to look at it any longer. I didn't keep it that long, so I might reuse this in the future.
Templar (Feb. 16 - April 25)
I did have grey fantasy bracers on this, but I sold them. I decided to clean up my inventory, and sell what I didn't want anymore. I never used to much red in an avatar before, but it came out better than I thought. I always wanted to use that hair though.
Mystic (April 25 - August 2)
I'm going to be honest and say that I haven't been keeping up with Gaia too much lately. I promise I will come back and play more, but I have other things I'm busy with.
Assassin (August 2 - January 18 2012)
I am turning over a new leaf and I want to be more active again in Gaia this year! I'm starting out the New Year by doing some extreme cleaning up of my inventory and collectibles. There are just too many EIs to keep up with, and I bought some that I didn't really care for. Here's to a new year with fresh beginnings. smile
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