
"My life is nothing more than a vivid tale scripted on parchment;"
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❖July 12, 1862❖
XணxȾoday had been eventful. I had found out that my wife was with child. She seemed happy enough, a glow had tinted her cheeks and her hand was constantly on the small curve of her slightly swollen belly. I, though elated to be a father, wasn't too thrilled at the fact for the simple fact that I hadn't married the woman I loved. Or more so, the person I loved; if I had had one. Instead, I settled with marrying a rich man's daughter only because my looks pleased her, and the money I inherited was not under-appreciated.
Back to child... I am thinking of naming her--or him--preferably her, Elise Rose Fetch. Dashing name if I do say so myself. Nothing better than having a beautiful name for a child that deserves it! I shall teach her to ride a horse, create accessories from flowers and vines, allow her a good education, and pound the fact that boys are bad into her skull until she is of age to marry...
I'm getting ahead of myself...
On to the strange tower that resides in the centre of our small town. It baffles me how a clock so large and so intricately built has no workers to fix it nor does it seem to lose track of time; always skipping ahead one hour or falling back one when the time is needed. It tolls every mid-mark; the marks being twelve o'clock noon time and twelve o'clock midnight. I would think that someone would have to enter the Cog Tower to have it work so immaculately. But, the Tower is so revered that no one will go within one-hundred meters of its marble surface. Supposedly, there is evil inside of it, but it seems to me that it is nothing but lore.
Tomorrow, after my work in the Exotic Wears Shoppe, I will go to the Tower, see if anything is really haunting the place...
Alex Fetch~
Back to child... I am thinking of naming her--or him--preferably her, Elise Rose Fetch. Dashing name if I do say so myself. Nothing better than having a beautiful name for a child that deserves it! I shall teach her to ride a horse, create accessories from flowers and vines, allow her a good education, and pound the fact that boys are bad into her skull until she is of age to marry...
I'm getting ahead of myself...
On to the strange tower that resides in the centre of our small town. It baffles me how a clock so large and so intricately built has no workers to fix it nor does it seem to lose track of time; always skipping ahead one hour or falling back one when the time is needed. It tolls every mid-mark; the marks being twelve o'clock noon time and twelve o'clock midnight. I would think that someone would have to enter the Cog Tower to have it work so immaculately. But, the Tower is so revered that no one will go within one-hundred meters of its marble surface. Supposedly, there is evil inside of it, but it seems to me that it is nothing but lore.
Tomorrow, after my work in the Exotic Wears Shoppe, I will go to the Tower, see if anything is really haunting the place...
Alex Fetch~