Angel: Wow, they front loaded the season three foreshadowing and thematic stuff with the first episode. Also, the second sets up "Birthday." Nice. I am so glad they phased out Fred's incredibly unconvincing Texan accent. O.o Dr. Kuttner working for Wolfram and Hart! I am now imagining Wolfram and hart suing Princeton Plainsborough Teaching hospital.... I think I like Skip the demon. He's clearly a hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is. I am so glad angel didn't kill him. Suddenly the Cordelia/Lila stuff in the misogyny virus one has so much more subtext. How come Darla can get into that man's hut without invitation? Poor Merle. Wow, the third one was intense. At least I finally got to know what happened to Caratas. Nice use of Gatsby in the forth, otherwise. Meh.