|A|ll |A|bout |B|uddy! Phrases Buddy Knows: "Buddy, Wanna go Peepee?" "Thirsty?" "Hungry?" "BEBE'S!!" "Boobee" "Buddy" "Sit" "Up" "Sleep" "Lie Down"
Buddy is a little bit of a Maltese and Norfolk terrier, because of the facts below~ (Scroll down.)
Personality: Fearless, impatient, weird. silly. Age: One Year.
Hobbies: Looking outside a window, licking paws, chewing, sleeping.
Breed: Norfolk Terrier/Maltese
Facts about Norfolk Terriers:
The Norfolk Terrier originated in Great Britain and was bred to hunt down rodents as well as to scare foxes out of their dens so the bigger hounds could chase after them. These dogs are often confused with the Norwich Terrier because they look similar and are very close in name but are actually 2 different breeds. The Norfolk Terrier is a compact little dog that is a determined hunter. They are a playful, confident, loving breed that will make a good family pet. The Norfolk Terrier adores children and will get along well with other dogs and cats. Smaller pets such as mice, hamsters, rats and guinea pigs etc. should be monitored around this breed as they might consider these prey! This breed has an athletic body that can squeeze into tiny hideouts and dens. They have strong legs and a short little muzzle. The Norfolk Terrier has small floppy ears and large curious eyes. Naturally their tail is long but will be docked for show purposes.
Breed Group Terrier
Size Males: 10-12 inches high Females: 10-12 inches high
Weight Males: 10-12 lbs Females: 10-12 lbs
Color(s) This breed will come in black & tan, wheat, grizzle and red. Most commonly seen is the grizzle but any of the 4 colourings are accepted for shows.
Coat The Norfolk Terrier has a messy, harsh, coarse textured coat that is about 2 inches long. Their coat is designed to protect them against the elements as well as keep them insulated.
Life Expectancy About 12-16 years.
Personality The Norfolk Terrier is a brave little dog that is defensive of his family and territory. They get along very well with other dogs and make great pets. This breed is a very happy-go-lucky dog that loves to be the center of attention. They are at their happiest when they are with their owners and should not be left alone often as they will become depressed. These dogs are very clever and will not be difficult to train. Cheerful and sweet, the Norfolk Terrier is an excellent breed to own and will become a perfect addition to the family!
Care The Norfolk Terrier will need very minimal grooming to upkeep their coat. Brushing twice per a week and bathing not more then once a month will be perfect for this breed. These dogs are prone to hip dysplasia, luxating patella’s and mitral valve disease. On the whole they are very healthy but precaution should be taken before deciding to buy, so the parent’s medical history should be checked.
Training The Norfolk Terrier will need repetition and consistency to grasp any training concepts. They are intelligent dogs that just need practice and gentle methods. Training lessons should be kept short and made fun so they enjoy learning the commands! These dogs are notorious for being more difficult to house train, but puppies should be taken out for bathroom breaks every hour and with this consistency, they will grasp the idea!
Activity This breed will need at least an hour per day of exercise, which could be time spent chasing a ball or playing with other dogs in an off-leash park or just on a long walk. These dogs are extremely playful and will burn out their energy quicker when they’re off leash as opposed to an on leash walk. The Norfolk Terrier will do well in an apartment because they are such small dogs and don’t need a backyard although having access to one would be a bonus.
Facts about Maltese:
The Maltese originated in Malta which is one of seven islands located in the Mediterranean Sea. They were bred purely for human companionship and are great dogs for people that want a tiny pet that can be taken anywhere. They are energetic dogs that keep their happy-go-lucky personality throughout their life. This breed is extremely affectionate and love to be carried around which gives them the reputation for being spoiled! The Maltese is a very small white dog with a long glossy coat. They usually have a trade mark bow tie holding the fur up away from their faces. Their ears are triangular and floppy but are usually covered in their long fur. The Maltese’s compact body is lightweight, fragile, and will look like they are “walking on clouds” which is to say they are dainty yet light on their feet. The Maltese’s fur is around 8 inches long and completely covers their body from head to toe. This breed is loyal, caring and smart although they have been known to be temperamental with young children. They are picky when it comes to their diet but should be kept on a strict food plan so they don’t become spoiled and only eat treats or doggie junk food. They will be a great pet for families that have older children, partly due to the fact that they love attention from anybody willing to offer it, and also because they get along with other dogs and small pets very well.
Breed Group Toy
Size Males: 8-10 inches high Females: 8-9 inches high
Weight Males: 6-9 lbs Females: 6-9 lbs
Color(s) This breed will come in only one colour, white. A light cream or ivory will be permitted but there is to be no other colour patterns or markings on this dog at all or they will be disqualified from the Show ring.
Coat The Maltese is notorious for their long white coat. It is pin straight and sweeps the floor when they walk. Curly or frizzy fur is not allowed as this dogs trademark must be perfected when being judged. They have only the outer coat which will grow to about 8 inches long.
Life Expectancy About 15 -18 years.
Personality The Maltese is a cheerful jubilant little dog that thrives on attention and love from their owners. They are animated and enjoy being the center of attention where they will take it upon themselves to do little tricks for the entertainment of their family. This breed will make a great watchdog because they have a piercingly loud bark that will alert even the neighbors! The Maltese is a stubborn breed that will need basic training and special a effort when housetraining as this can be difficult. Due to their small size and charming personality, owners might tend to let these dogs get away with more than they should, so a firm hand when setting the rules for the house is necessary. These little dogs are spunky and are more tough than they appear to be. They can be protective of their property and be a bit snappish when they feel threatened but for a dog that averages around 7 lbs, they are a force to be reckoned with! Packed with charisma and grace, the Maltese is a very popular breed today.
Care The Maltese is a high maintenance breed of dog when it comes to their grooming needs. Daily brushing and monthly bathes/trims will be needed to keep this show dogs coat looking perfect. Some owners opt to cut their fur to a few inches in length which gives them a more ruggedly cute look. This breed is hypoallergenic which is perfect for owners that have allergies to dogs. The Maltese is prone to slipped kneecaps, eye problems, and skin allergies.
Training This breed will need training the day they are brought into the home. They are charming little dogs that tend to get their way, but this will not help them in the long run when it comes to obedience. Although they are small, a firm method and consistency will do them good and give them a job to constantly work on. Housetraining this breed is difficult as they can be fussy if the weather outside does not suit them. Encouraging them to do their business outside even when they choose not to is the most effective way to potty train this breed.
Activity The Maltese will need a daily walk of about half an hour per day. They are not a breed that needs extensive exercise because they tire themselves out during their routines throughout the day. This breed will be a great apartment dog because of their small size but a small backyard would be excellent so they can run around in an outside environment at home.
Wow that's why Buddy's the mix of those two. He's a little of both. n u n
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Pawprintz · Mon Dec 27, 2010 @ 07:47pm · 1 Comments |