Myranda Scudieri
Tara? Yancey? My best friend? I met in 6th grade? Got to know a lot better in the 7th? My miku? The one who nicknamed me dragon? My peanut to my butter? Really pretty? Reeeeeaaaaalllllyyy understanding of me? Me second half? The person who I'd die without? The person who understands me the most? The person who has alwa...ys been there for me and always will be? Yeah I know her! Why what's up?
Lauren Carrica
Tara? Tara Yancey? The flute player? In Band? Loves Gaia online? Is in Drama? Has a super-awesome Grr backpack? Can totally run two laps nonstop??? Yeah, i know her smile Why, What's up?
Christine Campbell
Tara? the flute player? that doesn't roll out when she plays?!? lol in drama? the one who hardly ever talks? the one i don't know really well? yeah, i sorta know her, why? what's up?
Katie White
TARA YAN-CEE?! the flute child? Got a bunch of delicious japanese candy? Hurt her knee falling down a big hill?(not sure about that one) likesloves gir? Yeah....i know her... Why? Whats up homiee? smile
Courtney McDaniel
Tara? Can play the flute? Is a freshmen? She is short? An anime freak? Yeah, I know her, what about her?
Truman Rainbird
Tara?...McWeiner (Yeah, you knew it was coming XD) The freshman who is in band and drama ( I was my freshman year, too haha) Yeah, I know her. Why, what's up?
Terese Martinez
Tara? Haven't sen her since 8th grade? Used to dance together at Taylor? Played the flute? Did that skit in the talent show? Funny? Yeah that what's up!(:
Dylan Strait
T-A-R-A AKA Hannah? Haha. Plays flute? Is short? In Drama? Does not talk that much? Ya I know her, why whats up
Caonia Garcia
tara? yancey? has hot bro? awsome long hair? glasses? miku? met from taylor? get in to fight somtimes? ya her
Kylie Jenkins
Tara? Yancey? Miku? Whose been my friend 4ever? The one who loves anime? The one who gave me the nickname purry? pretty long hair? Looks Very pretty with her straightened? In drama? The one who makes glasses look good? The one i love very much? Yeah i know her why,whats up?
Francesca Morales
Tara? The One That's Into Anime? The Quiet One? The One In My Language Arts Class? The One iBarely Talk To? Yeahh iKnow Her, Why What's Up?
Mercedes Mares
tara? known her since forever? in band? went to my 5th grade birthday party? is actually a really cool, down to earth girl? yeah i know her, why whatsup?
Ceili Lanae Duke
Tara? The girl i have known since elementary school? The one who loves anime and has real potential in drawing? Awesome in band? yeah I know her whats up?
Mariah Smith-fassler
Tara yancey? known for a while? friends with myranda? has glasses? in my pe class? in the band? the flute? uhh pretty nice? yeah well i think i no her why, what's up?
Jessie Castillo
tara? yancey? pe class? glasses? nice? got her knee hurt? yeah i know her. why, whats up?(:
Rachael Apodaca
Tara? Yancey? I invited her to my b day party? Recorded the puppy flipping? Has a really cool little hat? Ya i know her why wassup?
Punky Herrera
Tara? The flute who got her angle so well that i probably owe her a lolly pop?!?! biggrin yeah i know her, why whats up
Sarah Cook
Tara? The one who is the freshie in band? The one who had a hard time with her flute angle, but finally got it (dont worry, i did the same)? The one who is sitting next to my mom for the holiday concert? yeah i know her, why whats up?
Rebecca Sego
Tara? Cute little flute playing gal? Smiles and giggles a lot? Ton of improvement in her playing? Freshmen? Yeah I know her, why whats up?
Brandi Sanchez
Tara? loves singing? obsessed with like anime and japanise? wears glasses? the one i met in the talent show last year? the one who goes to cibola? the one who is best friends with myranda? the one that calls myranda dragon? out going? plays the flute? the one that just liked my status? noooooopee don't know her what so ever(:, why what's uhp?(:
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Teto Kasane
You are carefree and look EXTREMELY young for your actual age. You also like simple foods like bread.
wait i thought i was most like akita neru or even miku hatsune
You are carefree and look EXTREMELY young for your actual age. You also like simple foods like bread.
wait i thought i was most like akita neru or even miku hatsune