Okay...now I'm making this...even though I'm a freshman. But I guess it's abnormal that I don't like a majority of the freshman at my high school because of these reasons.
1) Disrespectful
2) Loud
3) Don't shut up when they need to shut up
Now most who are reading might think that I'm like the rest of them...but I'm not. I always feel like punching them in the face! My goodness!! Why did I have to be born in this flipping generation... -_- Is Hell going to be like this when I end up shooting myself in the butt?.. We all know everyone have different cultures with music for example. Usually...you should keep your mouth shut and keep your opinion to yourself...Nope...not with the freshmen in my classes...they complain and whine with their opinions for the LONGEST! It drives me crazy and I get very...very angry.
They're loud because mainly...they don't know how to whisper. -_- I mean seriously...? I heard so much gossip today that I was about to blow. Sometimes I wish I was already out of high school and living to my career AWAYY from these freshman. I love my friends...but DAMN....I can't handle the class of 2014! They drive me nuts and off the wall. I've noticed that I'm never really in a good mood because most of the classes I have...I don't like the freshmen.. Sure I'll have some friends but they can't cover the fire in my chest that's full of anger...
C Ashy M Community Member |